Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

The problem with giving any meaningful rewards to war games is that Blizzard knows it would be abused.

Premade communities would run fast games to farm honor/conquest/etc.

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You should know that blizzard is a total trash company, like most are nowadays.

Agree that Premade vs Premade is a lot of fun, and I don’t have any problem with it.

However, Premade vs Pugs is not. I’ve been on both sides of this scenario. There is no challenge and fun in overpowering a Pugs, it is boring.

Joining a Premade Community isn’t a solution and is not for everybody. Blizz gives players the Pugs option by default, now it just needs to work correctly. In this case, let Pugs fight Pugs, and Premade fights Premade only.

Before Blizz address this issue, what Premade Leader should do are:

  • Don’t let your team GY farm Pugs
  • Avoid queue dropping. You are ruining other players in your faction.

nobody in the premade coms “need” any of those things. i was thinking more of a cosmetic or pet etc.

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I 100% agree here. Give the premade groups killer awards, rewards, mounts and weapon customizations etc. But for fighting other premades. Its real simple, open 40 vs 40 rated bgs in epic maps… This would help the problem immensely. No one’s leaving, everyone’s locked in and in coms and its a true 40 v 40 with all heavy hitters… Winning these games gives rewards you can’t get anywhere else…


I’ve been saying this for YEARS!!! It would be amazing if they had Rated Epic bg’s!!! BLIZZARD…ARE YOU LISTENING?!?


What about some kind of tournament structure? I always thought if they could set up a match making algorithm for tournaments they could apply it to different parts of the game like maybe twink brackets or even PvE. They wouldn’t need big rewards, maybe just a stupid title that only the winning team gets until next month’s tournament. They could even design it so people can design their own tournaments and pool resources for reward which is something I was trying to promote at one point.


its funny you mention twinks cuz there was a Twink Cup match the 19s used to have that was bracketed iirc.

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Were you pugging that game?

5 of us backfilled into yalls game, we tried our best!


GG, was a fun game. A lot of mages! You back fillers made it very close

Was it a hunter that hurt you?? It was a hunter wasn’t it! NERF HUNTERS

We didn’t do nothin man!

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GGs. We always try to turn tables around!

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Can you guys play the game? 3 BG in a row where the Alliance start with empty team.


Solo queue epic BGs could be fun. But I still think they’d devolve into a mess of which team has more FotMs and better healers…

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Only a sith deals in absolutes! …and bm hunters


Some of my most enjoyable moments in this game have been when player skill is closely matched.

There’s nothing “random” about these epic BG’s anymore.

Not sure what these premade groups have to prove when worthless honor points is all you get in return for annoying a bunch of players into not playing or wanting to improve their skill.


So i say hey Louis is streaming a warcraft art form today…yeah me so who wants to see art meet warcraft OCA? LouisGuidetti - Twitch

there is only one way through there is only one way to talk and listen over my boobs being well…whatever hes gonna show

bsg i welcome you to this stream in open arm to try to mend fences and see each other …i think we need mended fences atm all of us don’t we all of us…we have so far drifted from what we were and what we think ourselves as…so i reach out to OCA and bsg …ill be there…lets just form a appreciation for once then we learn and move from there. in this i hope we can all meet and respect again cause rifts were formed that should never have been… i for one want to throw away what i consider my betrayed look… lets see where this leads…shall we… and plum i never fight a war without a cause…ask round…when i riot its for a reason…just dont turn his stream into a war please…if so that not any one but you hes is createting art as he does …be civil