Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Speaking of pumpkins, how’s this one?


true, just gotta trick your yes men



Oh dang I declined resend

People on the horde associate names with premades and they are getting more and more familar with who runs with premades.

Auggy isnt being hated on, she just sends a signal to to horde that alliance is most likely a premade.

The horde knows your name, Auggy’s, Ruthless and Oca. Some just leave as soon as they see any of these names and say dumb thing in chat.

“Oh its an Auggy premade you all better afk now its a loss gg /afk”

People are dumb.


ya so after a 100 games vs these people (queue syncers), it get old, real old. no one wants to play with them so afking out is the only way to protest it. it’s not like complaining to blizz does anything.


What people LOL

Petition to blizzard that premades only should fight premades and I promise BsG will take care of all the premade communities out there.

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BSG will take care of BSG after?


this is me at the store in the produce aisle where i start but somehow end up accidentally taking a hard right down the cookies and icecream aisle thinking to myself “its only for a reward after salad and p90x.”

……the salad goes bad and the videos were never ordered.




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yep, Team Oca vs Team Cinco, was super fun (Team Cinco won last time lol)


Ultimate domination on other communities until all that’s left is BSG and we will run our own games.

Premades vs pugs have to go. It needs to be premades vs premades.

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How would this stop sync queuing? And sending in scouts to avoid other premade raids?

If necessary, premade communities would sync 40 solo queues.

Driving other players away from PvP seems to be a frequent goal of premades.


first you’re complaining about premades, now you’re complaining that premades would quit playing? lol, i’m starting to get the impression you just like to complain

He’s one confused individual for sure lol. He’s been crying about premades for years and years like a baby lol

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All you’re doing is driving players away from PvP.

You’re not helping pugs. You’re driving them away too.


…into the arms of premades.

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In all due seriousness, that will probably never happen to due some bad raps. they will implement cross faction before that even happens

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give rewards pvpers want for wargames. it will turn into a game mode people want to play and give premade coms something to do.
no rating tho.

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