Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

bruh, lets not go there.

they have no chance against rr, we fought deac the other night, was a great game. grasshopper needs nerf.

lets go back to the neutral disc rb. heard bunch of ladies had tantrums as expected. lol

he did it to us first!!!

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Premades are cringe yeah, you got Oca,beary,auggy who que sync with 15+ people and love farming pugs it’s cringe.

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im really putting too much thought into how this could even happen and I got nothing

i guess oca could like…idk… copyright strike the fish gif…?

i dont even think you can do that its a fish

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What’s with hating on Auggy? Auggy is the sweetest person ever.


queing a few times on horde side, alot of them think auggy is the lead of a premade community lol.


I added you buddy, looking forward to chatting with you in game.

Meso even does it on his YouTube channel. It’s just a fun joke they all do out of respect. No doubt some Hordies take it too seriously, lol.

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BlizZard can do a staggered queue system but that is up to them to do it.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


We actually don’t, the other premades love farming pugs, (that’s what they’re only good at) they even dodge and afk against each other now also lol.

Btw, where spm go? Did they die after getting comp stomped last week?

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Actually it was a conversation with a good friend of mine. the guy that made the fake SS of gwi earlier this year. who still happens to be in bsg. Im not goin to lie im still learning about all the discord settings lol

This was actually real. no cap. not sure why you’re up in my IRL business but cool :ok_hand:

“I know i lie alot but c’mon guys believe me this time”

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I dont have to prove anything to any bsg trolls

Bro you kept saying your rabbit was real but we reversed image searched it and it’s fake bro. Come on now. Stop the capping.

I guess this is fake too. feel free to reverse image a picture of my niece and her pet rabbit i take care of.
h ttps://imgur.com/mY1eVEv

anyways, you goin to do anything today when servers are down for 8 hours buddy?

Remember the pumpkin you “carved” and posted it on disc? It was a fake also, then you got called out and you had to post a real one.

Bro why are you like that?

I dont remember that, but alright