Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

RB youre caught in a lie already, the pic you posted of your “livestock rabbit” is fake.

We reversed image searched it. No one believes you anymore man, youre like Dida with her “There was only 3 of us and pugs” lol

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I bet he’s 6’4, really handsome, drives a lambo, and has tons of friends

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Alright cool, you think I should care about what bsg thinks of me? you guys been not only bashing me but the other communities since day 1.

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You do it to yourself RB

Here, watch.

Wanna come hang out RB, I’ll be nice to you

we only talk smack because yall keep slandering us, stop the cap g.

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It is what it is. aint nobody in bsg a ray of sunshine or roses.


Ima be honest, I’ve had nothing but good experiences hanging out with bsg

My conversations remain private, laughs are genuine, and we invite eachother to do stuff


You ever go shopping, decide “I’m gonna eat healthier” so you don’t buy any cookies or other like stuff.

Then it’s 12:30 am and you want cookies and come on earlier me!! Help future you (current me) out!


Cool friend, Im glad you’re having a good experience. it maybe not now. but probably a few months down the line and they will backstab you. Just look at what they did to Bearyfunny

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It’s bikini season soon freddy!


When it happens you’ll be the first person to hear about it I promise you

yeah we dont do that shady voice recording stuff here, then posting it online, then acting a victim while listening to mr crabs play the smallest violin.

That’s how they get you! With sweet talks and then BAM you’re in a premade doing premade things and you turn evil too.

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Never! I’m eating cookies I don’t even like right now!


I’m uncorruptable King Beastmaster.

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Okay? lol…Nothing really surprises me anymore

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Hey RB hows that “paradise neutral discord” coming along g? any drama?

Ima go play the game RB

When you’re done faking your own life with stock photos of rabits you named, hmu



alright buddy no problem. ill add you after the 8 hour maint tomorrow

Nothing really, torture left it for her reasons, other than that we all are getting along fine. sadly nobody wants to plan any events with us, djl was the only one.

well yeah, you know avm only wnna milk pugs, they even afk out against spm lol, i was watching the stream.