Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

usually, you’re suppose to play a different personality

what are u waffling about

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It’s good to see you, I don’t think we’ve been subbed at the same time since that SLands thread. What I’m hopeful for is they apply some of the queue rules from BG Blitz to randoms, but like you said it’s probably outside the scope of a patch.

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Yet, you are obsessed with us. And we don’t milk AV games, we play objectives. Also, I’d rather have fun with my friends than whatever you call that sweaty mess you got going on over there in your games. Sounds very stressful.


LOL false narrative.

here’s a great narrative: someone made a premade and mass reported my post for offensive/abusive content lmao

I’ve played the game for 2 decades. I’ve never seen 1/3 to 2/3 leave an epic BG all at once, within moments of starting, until premade vs. pug where the fact the other team was a premade was flagged and caused the exodus.

That’s my anecdote, at least. Don’t really care about yours since you’re a bad actor, at best :yawning_face:


They’re even mass reporting people in this thread lmao

It’s a video game, guys. You’re making premades because you want to stomp pugs. You’re not doing it to “help” anyone. If you want to make a BG community to actually help people, do Rated???


Hour long av by “playing objectives” (milking pugs)

Tbh, pugs make us sweat more than djl lol. It’s that yall lead 7 pugs to face us while they wait for their backfill. Didn’t you say pugs “respect” you? Yeah okay.

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Yeah, I’ve been getting mass reported too.

Not really surprised at this point.


Sorry to hear that, you just seem to express your opinion and don’t attack people. Maybe I’ll heal one on Smaugh, he’s pretty far behind but now but I’m curious to see how bad it is. I can always go guerilla if needed, get me in a vehicle I can be scary for a little while. Prevokers at least are hard for anything other than a DH to catch.


Some do, some don’t. I don’t let it bother me. Just like you.


I’ve debunked this a million times for you already. I’ve watched you on multiple occasions sit in irrelevant choke points in AV under continuous flare & trap protected by stealthies for 25+ minutes, not moving while your team farms graveyards. I’ll keep brining it up as long as you keep pretending it doesn’t happen. At what point do you self-reflect and realize that you can’t even be honest on a game forum?

Hardstuck applies to more than just your rank it would seem, it also applies to your physical movement in game.


Once the mass reporter’s daily flags refresh ur goose is cooked for that one…


All of yall are obsessed with bsg, that’s why the neutral discord was made. All yall do there is talk smack about bsg that RB had to intervene lol.

By the way, how’s that neutral disc going for ya?

It’s fine because the truth will always be the truth and if someone feels the need to report the truth because it upsets their perception of themselves then they’re already a lost cause.


i dont know about that, it is really otherwise tk. stop the cap, okay?


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Just finished an AV and we did objectives as always. You just like to hear yourself talk. Arguing with you is like talking to a wall. And again, rating shaming doesn’t work on me, I don’t care.

I left the neutral disc plm, but I sure you already got that from your “espionage” work.


That post from weeks ago wasn’t about me.

Why cant we all just get along

This video is still relevant to the Epic BG communities. Hopefully one day we just play and have fun, all in our own ways. Everyone is different and fun means different things to different people, I know that.

Heres to hoping Cross Faction queues happens sooner rather than later


No one is shaming your rating, only you can make yourself feel ashamed–it’s entirely a reflection of your own self esteem. Of course, you’ve entered every rated season since BFA and consistently get stuck at the same point, so my observation stands. I also have no doubt you’ve lost numerous arguments in your life to a wall just based on the illogical and dishonest approach you bring into arguments. But don’t convince me otherwise, I’ve seen for myself exactly how I described your gameplay, sorry if I trust my own eyes over your word.

I left the game when the score was 13x - 174, completely disgusted. I play epic BGs a lot, it’s nearly impossible for me to overlook a premade group. The alliance team was not a premade IMHO. Your argument suggesting they were a premade because they put up a strong fight just lacks validity.

A couple of hours later, I found myself in an Alterac Valley led by a priest of your community (though I’m uncertain if you were present). In that battle, your group died very fast in the SHGY fight and were pushed back by the PUG alliance team. My point isn’t about labeling who’s good or bad, instead it’s about acknowledging that PUG groups, when cornered with no escape, do exhibit resilience and fight back.

I want to emphasize that I didn’t participate in or “benefit from” your premade in the AV. I only observed from the top of SHB for around 10 minutes before departing.

I also want to clarify that I don’t have an issue with semi-premades like yours. I’ve encountered your group in the same game multiple times, which means you’re not the typical 40-man full premade with 13 heals and 25 rdps. I appreciate your mention that your community doesn’t allow GY farming, etc. My concern lies more with the behavior of many premade teams that abuse PUG teams. However, if you genuinely believed the team was an alliance premade, then it seems we simply had a misunderstanding. I also explained why I thought your group was exploiting a PUG team, and I hope you can understand my perspective as well.