Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

We don’t have to agree on how it happened or what the motives were. But I’m glad we can end it without accusations.

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I think the customer support forum offered some pretty good insights here.

If you believe premades violate the social contract or terms of service, the best course of action is to report it.

As for the “queue syncing” discussion, there really isn’t anything Blizzard can do to stop this that won’t have reverberating effects on the game.

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I came in here to vote… #ban premades! I want to play with random groups of uncoordinated people because that’s the most fun. Premades are destroying my joy and my dreams and if it continues I am going to storm Ashran and the capitol and possibly haunt the solar sphere mines permanently.

Also, delete add-ons because they ruin the game. Oh and please make my Blizzard Balance and tokens usable to purchase Microsoft Office products. Thank you.


well this was an entertaining read, thanks guys.

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No hes not, Hes part of my leadership team and has been an excellent part of RR. it’s 2024 dude people are going to play with whoever they have fun with.

I only saw a couple minutes of the youtube video that was leaked, all i got from it was “you’re playing with x person that hates my guts. you should be playing with your own kind vibes” not cool at all bud.

Also why are you sending torture screenshots of the neutral disc that happened months ago? we dont even talk about you guys. the people that were are not even in the disc anymore for reasons unknown. lol…

P.S… tell Lilmad to stop trying to get into our recruitment community for the purpose of trying to spy or w/e it is you guys are trying to do.


I gotta say, as dumb as this stuff is, there is some hilarious drama in these communities.

We need a “real premaders of Azeroth” bravo style show.


If you dont want dirty laundry aired. Dont make dirty laundry.


Should I throw all my clothes out immediately after wearing them?

I hate doing laundry, would love a solution.

I had the upmost respect for you and your team up until you afked out of a losing match against pugs in WG 20 min ago. You only had ~ 10 more minutes… Try play games to the bitter end seriously :stuck_out_tongue: You guys are really good and the threat of losing went away when you did that.

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having 3 MM all snipershot the same target at the same time isn’t impressive.

using target of target to troll was however 10/10

I bet you won’t say that to avm when they afkd out against that spm match 3 mins into the game?

How about the horde that dodges yall as well? They got free pass just because they hate bsg as you do huh?

I don’t like afking out at all. I think it’s worse than dodging but you can argue it’s one in the same maybe. I’ve seen all communities do it except SPM, AVA. (althought i dont think DJL would afk out of a losing match) I’m guilty of doing it in the past as solo but never when I queue with a group. I also don’t hate anyone. My favorite matches are against BSG on Monday because they are fun not out of hate. I have disliked your trolling with people when it goes to real life stuff but not hate


Thanks. You do play your mage pretty well, I had to search who it is. But yeah, we give it our best each game we play.

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too many people named gun in bgs


Playing the victim card again?

I don’t care about you irl and trust, I don’t want to. I do have an issue with you acting innocent when you’re setting up people, with you controlling the questions and the way you react since you know you’re gonna release the recording, which you did. It’s even on YouTube? Is it not? That’s really shady.

Do you really love Mr. Crabs playing the smallest violin for you all the time?

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I hope you know I recorded our whispers and uploaded them to my local library’s archive

nothing weird about that though right

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Happy Monday everyone, let’s take some names and kick some donkey today.

Don’t forget to like and subscribe!

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Thanks, I copied you and andrroo. I was always main Arcane but had to try out fire after seeing your guys numbers

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Feel free. Androo, Amaterazu, Oca and I studied the build to be the max damage for epics. Love to see more mages who can use it.

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Thegunclub and Mohz, you guys both pump. You’re always my #1 kill targets because Plm screams at us if you’re left alone :stuck_out_tongue: