Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

because blizzard doesn’t care about pvp. and we players can only report cheating so much even if blizzard doesn’t lo

but as long as player keep complaining about it in pvp one day blizz will do something

we know blizzard is in these forum because they moderate it and they know which topic keep causing mass flag

the question is not if blizzard will do something it is when?


things change. what do you think would happen to your solo player que times seperating out the premade groups? not just the 5 mans but groups of any size?

The premade only que would die almost immediately and they would move over to the solo que.


If premades love epics as much as they say then they’ll still queue, if not it’s faction imbalance and not total number of players that drive queue times. I’d take that risk. Even if it’s solo queue only it’d still be exploitable. Cross faction would help but to eliminate the exploit they need to change the team making algorithm so that time queued isn’t a primary variable. Probably why they’re balking at the commitment.

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was just kicked from a bg that was fixed by quesync exploiters. Stock holders not happy.


The concept is the same. Legally the drinking age is 21, and you can’t buy alcohol under 21 yet people still drink underage.

You can’t join a bg as a raid, yet people still find a way to get more than 5 people in.

The strangest thing that comes from premade sync queues is this cognitive distortion that seems to not allow them to just admit that they’re circumventing restrictions to do what they want because they like it.

Just like people drink underage and find a way to… because they want to. And most people never get in trouble for it (just like not getting banned for sync queue premading) but that doesn’t make it somehow allowed.

Instead, the premade sync queuers go on these strange half baked arguments that somehow it’s fine and allowed because… they said not too a long time ago? Or because they don’t ban people?

All arguments out of some weird delusion that what they’re doing is 100% within the norm.

It would be healthier to just say, “hey, I sync queue because I like the advantage it gives me, etc”

But no. We have to have thread after thread of odd distortions of reality where somehow it’s everyone else wrong but the poor victims who are the sync queuers.

The absence of repercussions /=/ allowance.


and somehow stop 40 individual people from counting down solo queing?

No, they would ruin the solo queue as well. Cross-faction is the only way.

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and add random 1-30 seconds delay in their queue prioritization

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This is being posted in random epic chats today. What exactly, does this even mean man? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“Bearyfunny, Tyllur & Auggy lead the premade pay-to-win community ‘Brute Force’ who use intimidation tactics to kick players who oppose their infiltration of the opposing team, using add-ons to bypass random que requirements.”

^ Thats the exact quote… Are you telling me the premade clowns are now getting spies onto the exact opposing team they’re facing every single game now? Is that what that means ? !? !? !?!


I’ve seen premade communities kick solo players on their team out of the BG simply for speaking in chat. They just mass report until the person is removed from the BG. Reason #154 premades are pathetic.


I’ve seen that message before in the horde chat was like 3 weeks ago. I think someone has a personal vendetta.

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Flute Force ftw.

Yea, or it’s a whistle blower who bounced or got kicked from their group.

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The individual poached players from bsg and now is doing it in rr. Trying to act to be friends with everyone while being manipulative, even setting our leader up with a unconsented voice recording then posting it everywhere to try to defame us.

And then playing victim mentality.

You can’t sail the sea with two boats.

I totally get that was a bait post.

Not too sure why somebody would try to besmirch Auggy and Tyllur’s reputations. Both of them are truly awesome people. To set the record straight— Auggy does not lead battle grounds, and never has. We call them “Auggy premades” because we love her, and her encouraging attitude. Tyllur is also a supportive, positive, and encouraging player. He has done a lot to change the meta in positive battlegrounds communication.

I do very much appreciate the people who have defended me— They risk their accounts because of mass reporting. I don’t feel a big need to defend myself, ask others to defend me, or desperately dictate my reputation to everybody else.

You’re all adults, and I’m pretty sure you can figure out pretty quickly who has the rage and megalomania issues that better fit the profile that your source is posting about.

Maybe they could read through the forums and see which group of players commonly coordinates forum trolling, makes legal advice, and makes the most vanity posts about themselves. The answer to that question may be found therein.

Anyway, I’m going to go back to being positive and helpful.

Edit: Aaaaand… It looks like I just got an ominous doxxing threat from the forum troll below. Great. I wonder what personal details they’re going to release.


BlizZard will adjust accordingly with the following expansion and end matches with a higher threshold than what is currently set. That is my prediction!

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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I still play horde, and I still pug games. The tides change between alliance and horde depending on the time of day.


hey guys

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you post on another toon