Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Bingo. And it’s so incredibly obvious to those of us that go outside.

if you say you’re not, i’ll take your word for it, i just don’t get worked up enough to call people “hypocrites” and whatnot over something this trivial (well, trivial to me anyways). shrug

never thought they did. Hey, something we agree on! lol

Does this word really have that much impact to you? You think im mounting a herculean effort to accuse you of being a hypocrite?

thanks for sealing the deal for me I suppose

This is trivial to all of us. I agree.

What I can’t figure out is why you made this a battle of who cares the least?
I asked you on topic questions as have other people and you ignore them out of convenience. I’ve been very consistent. I simply noticed and now you can’t figure out how to save yourself.

I heard voice recording discord calls without the other person’s consent is a new strategy as well, you should try it out sometime…oh wait.

You think when his parents call he records the conversations, just in case?

nah, just a fun way to pass the time.

Well no, just mildly surprising that i’m being called that in a video game forum lol. Like, i get it, you don’t like premades. You’ve made your point on that. Not sure what else you expect from this.

Perhaps, you never know when aps can come in handy eh?

Act like a hypocrite, get called a hypocrite, not my fault social cues soar past you

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all i said was that i didn’t care what elise or others thought about me one way or the other. I’m sure the feeling is mutual? Or was i wrong to assume that?

u get worked up enuff to make 50+ posts n multiple times makeup fake quotes of the ppl u interacting with to try 2 discredit them read my name

oh you know they’re not gonna exert that much effort, they don’t care remember

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Can we just come to a an accord that we need to get rid of premades vs pugs? Premades should only fight premades.


is there a rule about chatting in forum while doing bg’s?

wow this really got to you, i’m sorry if that hurt your feelings. Didn’t realize it would come across that way. I still don’t care, but i didn’t say that to hurt your feelings, was just stating a truth. Anyways, sorry bout hurting your feelings. I’m sure you’re a great person and that lots and lots of people care about what you think about them and about your opinions. I’m just not one of them since i literally don’t know you at all :slight_smile:

You can skip the act; I’ve told you you’re transparent to me. I’ve offered you so many chances to get back on topic and you ignore each one. Again, it’s disingenuous to everyone here that can read (that will read) this thread.

You’ve tried all of the weak internet arguments: I’m not mad you’re mad, why do you care I don’t care, etc. So, do you want to get back on topic?

nope, i don’t, i already made my points earlier on in thread and don’t care to rehash any of it. But feel free to yourself if you like. Or keep on doing whhatever you like. :slight_smile:

This is like 70 iq, early 2000’s internet banter, it’s actually cringe. You’re not actually saying anything, but your ego thinks you’re in the clouds. I was right, you sweet, simple, soul.

I was serious about the parade rest thing. Your lack of spine is offensive to veterans. Speaking as one.


in the discord, i pinged gears with a Joel, refer to that for my true response to whatever psychodribble you just typed.

Only the people that matter to me, unlike you I don’t have to prove to randoms about how much “i don’t care”

this really

If you want to take an honest try at “hurting” me (lmfao) ask for my discord server until then ur just wasting ur breath, continue deflecting and honestly at this point I don’t even know what your endgame is besides chasing the crown of the circus.

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oh okay, nice. So i should just call people 70iq and cringe? Definitely want to be up to date on my “internet banter”, that’s actually very important to me lol