Epic Losses in a row can you beat it

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We won the first team fight that I think started the victory.

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Winning the first team fight will cause 5-10 /afk

that first team fight generally sets the momentum for the rest of the bg, the first few minutes of WG are critical which is why its so important that you don’t have a team full of idiots who run off to do their own thing.


On a side note sub 10+ mythics are akin to having cavities drilled with no Novocain. So many Rhodes scholars.

The thing for me is I used to enjoy and queuing up for Epic BG’s before WG now I can’t wait to be done with them. :disappointed_relieved:

And I used to love AV


Me too! Alliance that queue for that have ruined it for me though.


you mean you don’t want to rush galv?


To me AV still got a lot more PVP maybe that’s why I’m OK if we lose.

Eh, the matches I’ve been in recently are an abomination. Offense doesn’t know how to offense. Defense doesn’t know how to defend. Open the map and people are everywhere. But small sample size.

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It’s hard to merc queue epics. I typically queue epics as horde, get merc buff, queue regulars as alliance. The game snapshots your queues instead of moving you over to alliance after you get the merc buff.

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Don’t blame you at all.

https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/sargeras/juuga/pvp aside from BfG, all my smaller BGs are 50%+ Those epic winrates are BAD :rofl:

last night I was in an AV the Horde was doing good moving us back so I take my mage and run at them get their attention and blink behind them. What that does is It splits group and stops their momentum they fell for it a few times. we eventually turned it around and was camping them, but then the Horde turn it back and won.

One of my BIGGEST pet peeves from AV is when I open up the map and see my Alliance teammates “bogged down” at FWGY just PvPing on the road there while our base is being overrun :roll_eyes: :-1:

A lot of Alliance casuals don’t seem to understand that “offense” means pushing/capping towersNOT PvPing on roads.

Contrast this with Horde casuals… Horde casuals will cap Stormpike GY (the Ally equivalent of FWGY), secure the area for about 45-60 seconds, then immediately run across the bridge into the Ally base.

seeing Alliance go Galv right at the start (seems to be more and more of a thing lately?) also makes me :roll_eyes:

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Exactly this. There’s been a few times where we could have won if people started towers instead of fight at fwgy

I do not believe in rushing Galv but I have won a few recently that way.

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Did your team do Galv towards the start of the match or the end of the match though? :thinking:

The timing matters a lot, because going Galv right at the start tends to really screw up Ally teams (unless the Horde team is unusually bad or lazy).

If it’s a long turtle/reinforcements game, then yea I can kinda see Galv being useful in that scenario

The only 2 times I have seen the rush Galv and then fall back and defend strategy, the alliance has actually won the games on resources . Maybe that’s why ppl keep doing it , it actually works sometimes

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Yes, it was at the start. I was thinking, yeah this is going to be bad I even went into the mine to take that was killing the npc then it pop up Alliance win.