Epic Losses in a row can you beat it

I do not have the words :point_up:

I do know one thing Blizzard can take WG and shove it where the sun don’t shine. :rage:


Yeah I won a wintergrasp tonight so heavily that I actually didn’t see a single alliance for the final 7 minutes.

Defending in that map is too easy and the BG would be so much better if defending was nerfed. Alliance loses like 80% of the time but if I’m on an ally character and I get the attacking team it’s pretty much an automatic loss


Yes, this BG belongs to the horde they planted a flag and said so. I just need 1 Epic BG to be capped out and 0-10 trying to do it to got me a little piss.


I think I lucked out tonight, seems I caught a “winning wave” on Alliance

  1. WG - win (Ally was defense)
  2. AV - win
  3. AV - loss
  4. AV - win, went kind of long like 42+ minutes… but a win is a win

AV was popping a lot for some reason, but whatever

Stopped playing after the 4th game, swapped over to work on my new alt

Seems you caught a “losing wave”, it happens to us all :thinking:

You see, the problem is queuing up for the “epic battlegrounds” in the first place.
The simple fact that there is a chance of getting Isle of Conquest automatically makes it a lose-lose scenario.


just for you :grinning:
It would not let me put the finger up there WTF bad night.

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What are you on about?

Isle of Conquest is probably the most efficient one of the three. You can win or lose in like 20 minutes, it goes very quick :thinking:

If you win, you can be in and out with the 65 conquest points in like 15-20 minutes. If you lose? Oh well, only like 15 minutes was lost.

Wintergrasp is the worst one by FAR, both AV and IOC are much more fun than WG


Efficient for sure, but it’s still IoC just another siege vehicle battleground, tbh same can be said for WG.

The only real good epic battleground is AV imo, at least in that you get to play your class. Not spend 5 minutes walking bombs from the front of a keep (or god forbid workshop) to the gate or sitting in a glaive thrower pressing 1.


To be honest, I’m fine with all the Epic BG’s except for WG and you all know how I feel about that.

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…Southshore vs Tarren Mill tho, now there’s a good “runner up” to AV

I :heart: that non-stop deathball PvP, keeps me on my toes :+1:


I will give you :+1: :+1:

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Hell no, can’t beat it. 3 in a row, even if winning, is enough for me. These days, I kinda like the shorter BGs.

That win rate… Jesus

Seems to be an epic BG problem. If you look at non-epics, they are 5-3, and the brawl 3-2… that we can see anyway.

I wish there was a way to get your back long from REFlex my messed up, but I had a great win rate now it look like I suck. But this bad luck, I’m on It started about 4 or 5 months ago I’ll be glad when it’s over.

They are proposing to bring that to epic battlegrounds right? That might make them worth doing.

Really fun on classes like Boomy. Such good times.

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If they did that, that’s where you would find me when I cap out. Southshore v’s Tarren Mill all day and night.


Oh, heck yeah I can beat that… lol

(From my other thread: Horde vs. Alliance - Epic BGs Reflex (1 pic says 1,000 words))

Bdm, so do you have good ‘luck’ with SS/TM on alliance side? Mine is always pretty bad, like, really bad… :sweat:

Yes, I do great win a lot more than I lose. I do a lot of Flamestrike and Meteor than when we got it In hand I go for the Kills Greater Pyroblast.

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