Epic Losses in a row can you beat it

I’m sorry I do not understand why anyone would think WG is fun, I just don’t get it when I win I still feel like I lose. this has to be the worst BG ever. :-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1:

PVP-Stands for player vs player
WG-Stands for player vs Vehicle

More like stupid souls. It is basically dumb to guard any node with just 1-2 people - except possibly IWB because you have the commander there to help. And even then a kiting class can kite the commander out while the rest cap. But 1-2 people will get run over unless they are some uber 2’s arena team.

I think people underestimate the work/resources/functions needed for a proper alliance defense. You need good, strong healers on that team, and you need to pick the right node. Otherwise you get steamrolled over and make little difference apart from giving horde semi-free kills.

This is what I’ve suspected for a while but cannot collect data on because I don’t play during those hours.

Also, I actually see a few horde here and there in late night BGs saying alliance have an advantage in AV, and it boggles my mind. Anyway, I don’t know if I can shift my schedule much, but I am curious about trying epics perhaps in the afternoon, lol.

I just Q for AV and won it easy when I Q up for Epic and get it we lose bad. :confused:

So specific queue AV works better for you?

I’ve gotten to the point where once I fill my conquest bar (on alliance side) I don’t bother playing much more, until the next week.

Unless i can totally switch my schedule around, I feel stuck playing during ‘crappy hours for alliance’. :neutral_face:

Yes, I’m the same way now I used to queue for Epic all the time but not so much anymore. :frowning_face:

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Ah yep. I still do on horde side but get way fewer games due to queue times. It’s nice to win a lot though.

If there are alliance playing at, like, noon during weekdays and winning a lot, I have to wonder… how are they free during those hours? Also… does that mean prime time and later night alliance (working folks?) suck at BGs in comparison to these lunch-time alliance? So many questions… :thinking:

I work 2nd shift, so my play times would be morning/noon and midnight on after work… that’s how I’m free during those hours. I work hospitals/nursing homes… your parents/grandparents/siblings/aunts/uncles/cousins/etc need care 24 hours a day not just 9-5 Monday through Friday.


TIL, Firemen/police/nurses aren’t working folks and just some “lunch-time Alliance” :joy:

Should’ve gone without saying but I didn’t mean “lunch-time alliance” in a disparaging sense, just in a curious sense.

Now, if the theory is temporarily or non-temporarily ‘off shift’ firemen, policemen, and nurses rock at playing alliance BGs in the middle of the day, I’d love to see the data. :laughing:

Stay at home moms/dads while kids are napping. Evening college students might play in the afternoon. Overnight stock employees (believe it or not, this is needed) Aussies. Plenty of people play at all times of the day. Anyway, this lunch time alliance is off to bed.

Welp… looks like Alliance was back to being terrible last night

Queued up as Horde initially, but got WG back to back, so I said screw it I’ll try mercing so that way at least if WG pops I don’t waste so much time in queue

then proceeded to go 0-4 in Alliance epics :-1:

IOC popped first, and Horde took hangar and mid, Alliance took docks. But Alliance didn’t defend the glaives at all and they got destroyed almost instantly :roll_eyes: Then the chat devolved into random bickering over politics and talking about Obama, when we lost the Horde gate was still at like ~70%. Overall that was an unpleasant IOC.

Then AV popped 2 times, and in 1 of those games Alliance ran straight to Galv at the start :roll_eyes: The second game was the usual ineffective “flailing around” not having either a defense or an offense, the team just slowly got pushed back to Stormpike GY and farmed there.

Then IOC popped again, but Alliance got steamrolled sooooo badly at the initial hangar teamfight that almost immediately 4 Alliance players left. I ended up leaving that game, too.

We turns taking care of my wife’s 99 (!!) year old grandma. If you’re ever looking for work in Indiana HMU LOL. I hope you won’t mind CNN blasting at max volume. (Why it’s not Fox News considering her age, I have no idea but it’s Wolf Blitzer)

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Are you still keeping track of BG win/loss ratios? If so, what are you at?

Ty for what you do.

Juga doing the Lord’s work.

@Gd, yep, I can’t figure out the weird ups and downs of alliance epic BGs as much as I try. Only very, very generally speaking can I say (from my experience) the alliance seems to get a little better in epics on weekends. But they can’t be counted on being as ‘improved’ as I thought they were during late-late night weekdays now. Broken record time, but I get on my horde and it’s wins-in-a-row with minimal effort. Or if we lose I mostly feel the horde team put out effort to attempt to win instead of giving up after the first 5 minutes.


I don’t understand what makes it so random either…

One game you will get grouped with a batch of somewhat-competent Ally that actually fight on/around towers and know what to do… then the very next group of Ally will send 25 players straight into Galv :joy: There’s no rhyme or reason to it lol

Horde definitely seems more consistent


It’s not a mystery. horde owns BGs at this point and Blizzard won’t do anything about it. Everyone but Juga knows this.


Doing a scientific test today I call “test your sanity”. 3 wins out of 10 games in random solo queue alliance epics. The three wins were in IoC.