Epic Losses in a row can you beat it

i’d rather see knockbacks go away.

Knockbacks are fine… but AV and Horde towers were super easy to defend back in the day, must be silly easy to defend these days.

the reverse is true with backapping, alliance can just pile into to any bunker and overwhelm defenders, meanwhile horde gets knocked off their own towers trying to backcap.

Would be crazy to not stack towers. It’s how I won 50%+ back when Horde were losing 30% of avs. Either way, knock backs are fine, let’s not change stuff just for AV. Off to bed, have a GN!

Horde towers have to change … no question . It is not a fair system. Since I started playing a lot of games in merc mode I better understand the issues of alliance in AV. The map is basically unfair to alliance … at the very least the tower design has to change


Yeah, it’s not that alliance can’t win, but it is easier to defend towers from the start than it is to defend bunkers from the start. Towers require fewer people to defend. That said, alliance does need to learn to backcap bunkers in order to give themselves a fighting chance.

It’s not even that, it’s that Alliance casuals literally have no defense at all in most games

Can’t blame “towers” or “Horde bias” for the entire North of the map being completely devoid of Alliance other than maybe 1 or 2 brave souls at SHGY

Unfortunately, the only time Alliance casuals defend their side of the map is when they are “forced” to defend after they get wiped and start respawning North. But by this time, after they have been wiped, the mass-ragequits have already begun and the revolving door starts spinning.

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Just won an AV. The strat was most of our players went south and capped RH, FW towers first. Then went to TP (took forever but it happened) Defense was rough but we held them off long enough.


I have found the solution. Alliance play epics so much better during the day.
2-1 so far by queuing afternoon epics.

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horde players are all at work.


w/e the reason, this is the time to get your epic bg wins if you’re Alliance :joy: and possibly a reason why they say these are more even.

I have not done many epic BG’s lately, but may start doing some soon. my win rate has gone up doing normal Bg’s.


Merc power :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::muscle:t4::ok_hand:t4:

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I would never Merc even if I could the Alliance may be down, but they’re not out.

I have no such issues … we will soon be in the same bracket and perhaps on the same team . I will see you on the battlefield .

If this was, the happened you would never see me my days of playing wow be over. :frowning_face:

I think you have misread … I meant that I would be mercing and playing along with you , :laughing:

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I did sorry.

GD, you gotta admit that there’s a huge difference between visiting a losing team and that being your home team.

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I just had the very rare occurrence of getting backfilled into a “winning” Alliance AV :scream: :rofl:

I joined at around 31 minutes in and Alliance was up 2 towers, I also noticed Zeela on the Horde team. We didn’t even kill Drek, just won after the towers burned.

Easiest 65 conquest points ever, was in and out in like 9 minutes. The match ended around the 40 minute mark.

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