Epic BG premades need to be stopped

Since maybe you’re new and stuck farming HK’s in epic BG’s, there’s actually a rated pvp game mode in WoW, Quick match section in the pvp tab a random battleground option, for 10v10 non 10 man premade teams, and the Rated section has a 10v10 battleground option. When queuing rated you also only queue into other teams playing rated as well, because fighting an unorganized team in random would be extremely unfair.

Yes, I know, thank you.

But if your RBG team sync queues for randoms, they get in there, weird how that works.

Since it isn’t an exploit, nor is it cheating, you have nothing to lose.

But why won’t blizzard allow my rated BG team to just queue into random teams? if it’s a fair match up why would there be two different game mode options for the same game mode if it was an even playing field, do you think the Blizzard game designers are as dumb as you are?

No idea.

It is odd that it isn’t cheating. But that’s the way it is.

Yeah it’s almost like the two different game mode options exist for a reason, I wonder what it is, maybe if you pulled your head out of your rear you would realize why.

Naww, are you so upset that your arguments aren’t working?

My arguments arent working? You cant answer my question because you know you’re wrong. Sucks to talk in circles for 2 hours just for your logic to now work out :frowning:

Hopefully I wont live rent free in your head for too long, but after seeing 5544 forum posts you may be too far gone, maybe you can push your arena rating a little bit and take my CR, although I was higher rated than your exp when i was 14 years old in TBC S1 :crazy_face:

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What question?

The one which only Blizzard has the answer to?

We are talking about Epics, your ratings have no meaning here.

I think the answer is pretty obvious to anyone that plays the game, though why would you admit to it when it goes against your entire argument of premades vs randoms = fair?

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You thought casual BGs only existed to gear up in, so when you think, you’re wrong, maybe you should get that checked.

And you think an organized premade team of players vs randoms isnt an unfair advantage, I also never said that’s the only reason casual BG’s exist, it’s just one of the main factors to why people play casual BG’s.

Sure would be nice if blizzard made it so rated BG 10 man teams could queue into random BG 10 man teams, i’m really sick of sitting in these 20+ minute queues when I could be fighting an even, fair match that would pop instantly around the clock.

It isn’t. It’s an advantage, but it isn’t unfair, they have the same tools, abilities and equipment.

No, I suppose you didn’t technically say only.

It is unfair, before the premade is joining the match they are already pre organized, the random players aren’t. That’s why there’s rated BG’s and random BG’s.

All valid as to why most people would queue up for a random BG, give us gear templates for pvp like FFXIV and GW2, wonder how fewer random BG’s will be played each day, i’d be willing to bet it would be substantial.

A premade raid vs. a team of random pugs is an unfair matchup. The premade raid can stack experienced players, geared players, meta specs, healers, etc. They’re also likely on voice chat. It usually results in a one-sided roflstomp.

Blizzard has stated they don’t want premade raids in random bgs because it’s against the spirit of the game and it drives players away from PvP. They asked premade raiders to play in brackets meant for premade raids (e.g. rated bgs or war games).

Unfortunately, even after Blizzard made their stance clear so there’s no room for misunderstanding, premade raiders just ignored them and kept sync queuing.


There’s nothing more I want out of a match than an equal, fair match. If I could queue my rated BG team into a random team I would just feel like i’m bullying undergeared, under coordinated players, which is exactly what 40 man premade players are doing. It’s bizarre that people even defend it, it’s essentially bullying.


No, rated is where you push ratings, randoms are where you have fun.

Yeah, cause that went well last time, try asking for that in the Arena forums.

See how well you do.

No, actually, rated is where you have fun too, most of us don’t even care about rating, just the fact that you’re fighting another team that is in voice and prepared to fight at an even playing field is why we play the game mode. Keep in mind the Rated BG title has been the same since the very first season and is even account-wide now. Incase you had any doubts.

Legion is often regarded as one of the best expansions for pvp by many players, and even expansion in general, I’m not really sure why they changed it back to gear, but I don’t remember anyone complaining about it.

You certainly bring it up enough for someone who doesn’t care about it.

Not the ones on the forums.

Should we try the Arena forums?

If you’re afraid, I can make the thread for you.

Not sure what legion the people on the forums were playing, but whenever I ask anyone what their favorite wow expansion was they always have legion in their top 3.

Rating is the best way to gauge how experienced someone is at pvp, but playing Rated BG’s for multiple seasons after earning Hero of the Alliance\Horde grants you no reward outside of Season specific transmog that can be earned in other brackets as well. Most of the community plays it for fun. There’s a reason why we aren’t premading random BG’s to bully undergeared, non coordinated teams to feel good about ourselves.

I certainly didn’t ask for an explainer on what rating is.