I feel as if most WoW players havent even played good pvp games\mmos with templates though, GW2 being a perfect example, FFXIV is hard to compare since it doesn’t have secondary stats that affect pvp at all, just ability damage. But I still think Legion gear templates were a step in the right direction, with more stat allocation options being the best method.
Well, my original argument about this topic was that pvp templates allow for easier access to playing rated pvp, and that casual BG’s would become much less popular if gear templates were a thing, using FFXIV and GW2 as examples, Legions gear template was still influenced by gear, but since Hirav argued for 3 hours in a circle in the last thread and could only end it with
I figured i’d entertain him here as well
More context, according to Hirav most people on the forums disliked Legion, but most people from my personal experience loved legion.
Well I can tell you legion stat templates were the beginning of the end for any sort of rated PVP. At the time no one cared but when you actually looked in depth at the problem of the game it was a core issue.
It allowed people to just up and q on a new char, and sure that’s fine but you can do that in a multitude of ways that don’t involve templates (e.g. a PVP zone where you can buy PVP gear specifically for PVP purposes that can not be used in any environment but that). A simple concept of this is actually something we HAD in game in WOD, in tournament gear. It can be an expanded upon theory that just enables only in PVP combat rather than all environments, so that you can’t cheese rating at the expense of a few hundred gold.
Templates themselves had this issue that everyone was equally as tanky as everyone, counters speccing didn’t matter, and the game resorted to 123. While Legion had some fun comps to play like WWMD & WWSP, it brought some heavy hitter issues BECAUSE of lack of balancing. Assa rogues, destro locks, Fire, Implosion demo, tank spec abuse (i’m guilty of this so I have a very solid stance on it), and WWs were unbelievably disgusting throughout an entire expac BECAUSE you had to actively make mistakes to lose your games, as defensively you were generally not going to just fall over.
Damage profiles also were disgusting. Specs like affliction were weaker than specs like destro purely because of lack of balancing, but also just how damage types, chaos damage in particular, sort of just ignored the entire system.
Templates were bad, partially because of balancing, the reality is people just need a portal to a PVP world where you can buy gear to equip yourself for that specific gamemode. Opens access to everyone and allows you to separate PVP from PVE without ruining anyones day.
And yes, people hated Legion. It was only good from a PVE standpoint.
Yeah, blizzard just did a bad job at balancing the game around the templates, so they went back to what they are comfortable with, being able to just buy pvp gear for free from a vendor would be the best option for them, since even in recent times they overbuff specs randomly, even mid season (df s1 ret pally). In a world where blizzard had stat templates and optimization similar to GW2 I think it would be a massive step in the right direction for WoW, they just gave up too fast.
Yeah as far as im aware this is most peoples opinion, though everyone loved legion glad mounts as well.
But where do i start? Imagine if they gave eles template haste>vers… meanwhile mastery>vers is the best. Templates sucked for customization and creativity with different builds. ESPECIALLY with the amount of talents and build options we have now.
Templates wont change anything. Bad players will still run to the forums to cry for nerfs when they cant easily climb to 2400+. Skill is the only thing that matters. Why is it that glads on smurfs can win with green honor gear against lil Timmy and their full epics? Templates wont help players understand how to play their spec better, let alone be able to react to 3 different enemy specs that all do different things. The problem with PvP is game knowledge. Those with it will always be at a higher advantage. There is no replacing 10+ years of pvp experience. New players have to realize this. There is no reason someone should be able to get to those skill levels in a few play sessions, or at least expect to come close to those ratings.
ya they will, ill never have to queue another random bg ever again and fight queue syncing losers that are stalling the game to farm lifetime HK’s in the millions.
Legion was great and gear templates were too. However if there’s one thing I learned about WoW players it’s they absolutely insist on grinding for stuff and will have it no other way.
But what if i wanna play a melee build and have 80% crit cause its funny. Legion had alot of positives but template was not fun for the people who want to play their own way