I went into an Alterac Valley today where the entire enemy team, over 1\3 of them over honor level 1000 were just playing full defense not capturing any enemy towers or flags, only there to intentionally grief a game mode thats meant for players to gear in, this has been going on for years now and it sucks. Either the queue algorithm needs to change, a timer needs to be put in place, or bans need to go out, these groups mostly queue between 2 am - 10 am, even on weekdays, because it gives them a better chance of having a full 40 premade group.
Epics are a mode in their own right, they aren’t ‘there to gear in’.
The purpose of all casual BG content is for players to gear in, that’s why there’s no gear requirement to play unlike rated.
To have fun in.
That you don’t have gear is not my problem.
Yep I can agree with that, and actually if you read my post it would be fairly obvious that my gear isn’t even an issue. Most people that are queing up normally are there to gear a new character, have fun and play the battleground, the premade players aren’t there to have fun or play, just grief, only playing full defense for 25+ minutes (I left the bg after that) with 0 enemy tower assaults is 100% griefing.
The only way to grief in a battleground is to sabotage gameplay.
The enemy team can’t grief you.
Defending towers is a legitimate way to play the game, despite the fact that pugs do not defend.
Yes and by intentionally stalling the game mode to prevent it from progressing is sabotaging gameplay, in the same way someone can be banned for camping a quest NPC to prevent people from completing a quest, but just 1 report isn’t something that can fix this issue, there either needs to be a BG timer, break the alogrithm, or send out bans.
No, it isn’t.
If the enemy team chooses to defend towers, there’s nothing you can do about it other than try to take their towers.
That’s what the reinforcements mechanic was added for.
You have 500 lives, without the mines.
EBGs are not just a game mode to gear up in, you have regular BGs, Arena and even warmode pvp if you are so inclined. EBGs are some of the best fun ive had in and I am one of those fully geared characters who likes to have fun.
No team of 40 random players would play like that, only people cheating by queueing at the exact same time so an entire team of 40 coordinated players are on one team, but regardless of it being a premade or not, it is actually gameplay sabotage and violates the code of conduct.
“Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.”
It is not cheating to defend your towers.
I have no problem with fully geared players enjoying any form of BG content, only with people queue syncing 40 people to stall and grief the match, just because they can play like that, doesn’t mean it’s okay and isn’t breaking the code of conduct by exploiting beyond the 5 player premade cap.
Uh. No. You do realize the point of PvP is winning, right? How is the enemy planning ahead and doing a premade, griefing?
No one is breaking ToS. You just seem upset you can’t play mount simulator and afk rush the bosses.
Because they arent ‘winning’ they’re just stalling the match meanwhile 200+ players on the enemy team have left and rejoined the game, only for there to be no progress made besides a few kills on the AV counter which would take hours to deplete for the game to end, with the amount of coordination going into a full 40 man defense they could of rushed towers, defended them, killed the boss and won before an uncoordinated group of randoms could have.
Okay so they are honor farming. The only issue is you are trying to gear while in that game mode.
Except they do, due to attrition.
Yes they’ll win the match after 6 hours and making over 1000 people leave the game with deserter, not exploiting or griefing btw, totally intended gameplay
- 1800 player with 120k lifetime kills(obviously premades epic bgs
That’s not their problem, if you don’t want to stick around, it’s the choice available to you.
Obviously. I swear, I shouldn’t have to announce it anymore.
But it is Blizzards problem when all 1000 of those players unsubscribe from their game because they were just forced to leave a battleground that’s normally expected to end in less than 40 minutes because people are exploiting the queue system and then griefing the match.