Epic BG premade ruining the fun

The idea that you’re not being punished therefore it must be legal is assuming the conclusion, a logical fallacy called begging the question. You’re obviously exceeding the mandate of the 2019 quote, if they let you warp the format so much that the pugs stop playing then what will you do? You don’t want a fair fight, you want to pug stomp so one community will dominate and the rest will try to find something to exploit elsewhere. You need the pugs, the pugs don’t need you.

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Don’t really care. Not going to be banned for socializing in a video game with like-minded individuals. I don’t know what it will take for you and the people who think like you to get over it, but maybe you’ll find some inner peace someday.

No I’m not.

Pugs won’t stop playing. Again, this is all hypotheticals from a small minority of loud individuals who think they’re a majority.

Stop assuming what people want to do with their time. This is why posting in here is hilarious because I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a more rag-tag group of individuals so worked up about unrated pvp. Also, no one is exploiting.

Cool. Tell that to the pugs still queueing, which judging by the BGs since xpac launch is a lot. That would require you to actually play and not sit on the forums 24/7 though.


Would be awesome if you ever provided that.

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Do you have any evidence for this statement?

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You’re the one making a lot of assumptions, I didn’t even buy the expansion and I’m just waiting for my sub to end in a week. I guess there’s no saving someone that won’t save themselves, enjoy your delusions as long as you can.

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People like him don’t care or understand the effect they are having on random pvp. Pvp is already a dying mode in this game and people like him are driving new players away. But this is what happens when blizzard allows people like this to do whatever they want.

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Picking at the corpse. I hope people will be able to find a home in BGB.

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competitive games = both sides willing to play according to the rules. One of the most frustrating thing about random bg is people are just random killing players on the road instead of grouping. Don’t support other group of player when needed etc.
As a former bg conductor, I can conclude real premades wants the opposite side is premade as well because they want to enjoy the battleground. One of the reason why players wants premade is that they want to win the bgs.

“won the first fight, taken control of the map” you must be new. If half of the team is empty, that means that team already a premade, conductors won’t gonna drop it. Normally conductor drops if just one or 2 teams poped (For epic bg)

Those are the same players with same gears as you!
How come it’s strong?

I wouldn’t say playing the game how I want to play it for 20 years qualifies as “delusions”, but hey any day now I’m sure Blizzard is going to care about people grouping up in an MMO and ban it!

See you in the nursing home!

Comms, control of composition, faster conquest gains leading to faster gearing. Holycow is correct, regs are usually backfilled before the gates open but epics often not until after the 1st fight.

Wow, cheating in a video game for 20 years, your parents must be proud.

Not if I see you first.

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“Cheating” with no proof of said thing being cheating is, in fact, not cheating.

Hope your parents are happy they raised a whiny brat.

If you tried a community, you’d:

  1. Realize that you don’t have to be in comms.
  2. Know that comms are usually talking about other things and most of the game is directed via /rw.

Basically doesn’t happen. The call is made in a community that queues are being queued. Whether you queue or not is your choice, whatever class you’re on.

Not cheating. Do you really need me to post the link again?

And then you go, “well, in my opinion it is.” and then I go, “well if we’re going by opinions, then I think rogues using stealth is cheating” and then you go, “no, that’s silly”.

Around and around in circles.

Only because we’re ignoring the only opinion which matters.

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The link that doesn’t say what you claim it does? Sure. Maybe you can read it very carefully this time. Maybe bring a dictionary so you can learn what some of the words mean.

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I get that you want dropping a queue to be required for a sync to function, but it doesn’t.

You keep moving the goal post lol but that’s typical. Nothing but lies from you.

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Prouder than the internet tough guy act.

So many are on comms, discord, whatever.

I’ve definitely seen it. I’ve been the only healer on my team at times, but there was more than one that heavily stacked MWs and boomies.

Countdown queuing isn’t the only thing that you do. Even then it’s going outside the queue system to create teams of size greater than allowed by the in game systems.

And you keep switching characters to hide from your foot in mouth disease.

You can think that if you want but you have a history of unhinged rants of lies and bs, so whatever. I hope someday you come back to reality and grow up.

No, you haven’t. You should try joining a community and seeing how it works, before you make judgments on how you think they work.