Epic BG premade ruining the fun

where the little que-synchers at im off all week

Years ago back in time, random bg guys also farm gy, even it’s premade, we farm other premade’s gy. if you or your team don’t wanna farmed, do better, don’t just kill people on the road, follow strict the rules BG is giving. like doing raids, if you don’t follow rules, whole team will be wiped. If you don’t follow rules for killing boss your team also getting wiped

for point one, if your team are willing to win it won’t happen, it just drive players who aren’t willing to win BG, it drives players who aren’t willing to cooperate the BG rules away which is a good thing

for point 2 it doesn’t matter, cause spots are filled immediately

The delusion is strong among you guys. Just admit you can’t win fair fight and move on.


cool story 10/10

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“Just because I’m in a dress doesn’t mean I can’t kick your a$$”

-most Scottsman, probably.

Is an mmo…. Ppl found a way to play together instead of this solo crap y’all prefer and you got destroyed. Make some friends and do the same. You’ll thank me for it.

It’s the delusion that binds them and fuels their never ending cope here on the forums.

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Are you really listening, Blizzard? If you are then the only conclusion I can draw is that you’re intentionally allowing them to destroy pvp. It’s not people that don’t try, it’s new and inexperienced players who will either quit the game or go on to complain about what a mess pvp is and never play it again. They’re not wrong.

additional comment:
fair fight = group of people who willing to adopt the rules of BG and want to win instead of killing random players on the road.

Driving players away from PvP is not a good thing. Premade raids are driving away PvPers who are looking for competitive games and not one-sided roflstomps.

It takes a couple of minutes for the half-empty team to completely fill up. By then, the other team has already won the first fight, taken control of the map, and seized an early lead.

So, it does matter.


I must have fallen down the mald pit and into the Bizarro-dimension version of the WoW forums, but you and like 3 others are the only people on here constantly crying and coping, so excuse me if the irony is unbearable.

Screaming a lie over and over doesn’t make it the truth it simply makes you look insane.

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What lie? Premading isn’t against the rules, sync queueing isn’t against the rules.

People are free to play as they like.

What happens when you try to queue a raid into a BG? Seems like a pretty strong ruling against it. You’re taking a statement about countdown queuing and applying it to dropping queues repeatedly and even dropping instances in an attempt to find easy wins then having several communities each do this for hours each day. It’s more than stretching the truth it’s cutting it up into little pieces to reorganize it to fit your narrative.


CoC is something you should probably look into.


You might want to get that eye glass prescription checked little homie.

I’ll take Blizzard’s statement on the matter as of 2019 over you again talking about things you don’t understand.

The group of individuals crying about premades constantly, talking about legal documents they don’t understand, and then denying official blizzard statements telling others to get their vision checked will never not be hilarious.

I’m not trying to convince you I’m trying to warn you. It was the same with the twinks, if you warp the format too much you force Blizzard to step in assuming they care a whit about the epic system which is your only real defense in this matter.

They won’t judge you by the activities of the more understandable groups who do it because they have no choice if they want to be competitive and don’t abuse their charity, they’ll treat you like you’re all twink guilds farming HKs and punish you for the behavior of your worst elements. Very much a check yourself before you wreck yourself scenario.

No one is getting punished for anything. All of the anti-premaders who always saturate the forums with their tears at this point are like the skeleton at the cob-web laced computer meme. Just empty words and wishful thinking.