Epic BG premade ruining the fun

Denial and lies is all you have. It’s kind of sad honestly.

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Well that’s a convincing argument. Believe you or my lying eyes?

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The problem is that you’re trying to say that there is some sort of organization which happens before anyone queues. Which almost never happens for normal queues.

People queue with what they want to play on.

Why does it matter what you bring? You are already stacking the odds heavily in your favor. But strangely enough you sync kids always have plenty of healers. We are simply seeing a pattern and you screaming “nuh uh” isn’t going to do anything lol

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There was one in particular that queued prime time that I met several times. I am willing to admit it’s not always an advantage when it’s more than a straight up dps race.

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It’s not that strange.

Healers prefer to play with players who will protect them and who will try to win, rather than unherdable cats.

So you find more healers in premades.

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I’m play healer mostly and I like to play fun fair games. You really need to stop using your echo chamber as an excuse for childish behavior.

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Then you should really focus on rated games, you won’t find fair in randoms.

That’s my stance, I just want a fair game. I feel bad running over teams.

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Oh, I do. But your ilk also needs to be removed from randoms, so new players have somewhere to learn and play without having to sweat. I know you can’t win fair combat so you rely on stacking and exploiting to stroke your ego, but enough is enough either blizzard fixes it or that mode will die even more then it is already.

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It’s not cheating to queue at the same time as others to stack the queue.

It’s also not exploiting. So all you have left is shouting at clouds.

Exploiting is doing something not intended by the game. Blizzard has made it clear randoms are not intended for large coordinated groups therefore it is exploiting.

Look inward.

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You are allowed to talk to other players in an MMO.

It is an intentional function in the game.

Chatting isn’t exploiting.

I’m not the one who is trying tooth and nail to get something changed.

Always moving the goal post lol

Ya because it’s bad to want a better game… wild

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I’m not convinced that you know what this phrase means.

I’m not convinced that you want a better game, just a more solo game.

There are plenty of solo games if you want to play them though. Even inside WoW.

Where have I ever said I wanted a more “solo” game? You keep making stuff up.

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You don’t like it when players join up and play against you, you want players to only be able to queue in small manageable groups at most. You want the game to more solo than it currently is.

Where have I ever said that? I have said many times I want fair and fun games for everyone. Stop making stuff up and lying.

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I’m still unchanged in wanting a better game for communities as well.