Epic BG premade ruining the fun

Thanks for ruining epic bgs for me

Thanks for ruining epic bgs for me and all the other folks that don’t play them anymore

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It’s cheating behaviour. Played by unsportmanlike players. It’s only considered not cheating by blizz because it happens in discord and queing multiple groups at once is not technically cheating. But to the majority of real PvP players, this is simply cheating. To the community you are cheaters and garbage players and nothing you say will ever change the opinion of Que synchers


i don’t have any influence over your happiness or lack there of.

Yeah, the “majority of PVP players” always think the other party is cheating whenever they lose. It’s always hacks, exploits, cheats, etc. whenever someone is just simply better than them.

It doesn’t matter what “the community” thinks. People should just follow the rules set forth by BLIZZARD and BLIZZARD ALONE and have fun.

You’re welcome.

Show your true colors there bud. You aren’t part of the problem…….bless your heart, you are the problem!!!

Do you sync Que?

I wonder what we could do to make them listen to us? The premades are a serious threat to BGs

if counting down backwards from 5 and clicking the join bg button then yes. sometimes. always solo.

A good well reasoned argument would help.


Good idea Bloom, I’ll try and think of one, have a great day :smiley:

We don’t need an argument. Stop exploiting just because you can’t cut it in fair fights.

And this is why no one’s listening and nothing changes. You sabotage your own movement.

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Sounds like wishful thinking lol you simply can’t own up to what you are doing. It’s very obvious lots of people agree that exploiting is a problem. Maybe step out of your echo chamber once in a while.

So you count down and press the join bg button solo? Always? I’m confused here broham, like really what do you actually mean?

He most likely means he joins epics sync premades when he wants easy games and does the 5,4,3,2,1 queue and drop queue when a majority of the raid dont get the pop.

Then he queue’s solo other times when the epic premade syncers aren’t online or queuing.

EDIT: Yeah he epic sycns a lot. Ludo is Okayboomie/Fritzthecat/Moist etc. Just another syncer that can’t really compete solo


It hasn’t changed in 20 years. And you expect it to change now all of the sudden despite the fact that you refuse to even have a well-reasoned argument?

Now, that’s wishful thinking.

Best of luck lol.

Hey thanks for clarifying what ever he was trying to say. Yeah I always looked at premade syncer folks as the ones who couldn’t quite get their damage rotation down in pve so they moved over to pvp and found if the grouped up in discord with a whole raid they could actually win something and feel like they were good.


You guys keep saying this, but it has. They got rid of raid queue. They asked people not to do it because it wasn’t healthy for the game. They broke an addon that allowed people to queue all together. They made it so you can only queue in groups of 5. But you don’t care as long as you can pretend to be good at the game.

I have given many well-reasoned “arguments”. But you guys do not care. That’s simply why bans are the only solution because you guys won’t stop exploiting until bans are handed out.