Epic BG premade ruining the fun

It’s kind of weird that you believe this is exclusive to syncs. It happens just the same in pug vs pug. They lose the first team fight, and they’ll give up.

the OP afk’d a wintergrasp vs a pug last time i saw them in game

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Hmm? They quit all the time, especially Horde ones.

Epic battlegrounds don’t really require brainpower.


Because they are so used to sync exploiters. This didn’t become a huge problem till sync exploiting became a huge problem.


All these bottom feeder Que synchers are going to just suggest they aren’t cheating and as far as the letter of the law goes blizz says they “might” not be.
Pre-made groups are encouraged. Make a little group with guildies or friends. But exploiting Que synchs on discord with groups of people is an obvious hack. A cheat. They aren’t real PvP players so don’t address them as such.
Blizz doesn’t look like they are willing to address this problem. Not sure why when it’s blatantly obvious it’s cheating and people en mass are sick of it


It’s literally in a blue post that’s been linked 100s of times at this point.

No it isn’t.

Probably because it isn’t an issue and all of the whining about it is just histrionics.

That’s only your opinion. And you can have an opinion on my opinion that’s great. But it doesn’t make it right.
In my mind and view you aren’t a real PvP player/ you are exploiting a loophole that blizz can’t close.

Let me ask you this. In your heart and mind, do you honestly feel like you aren’t playing at an advantage against people who don’t que synch? All you do is quote a blue post who says you “might” be not cheating. But the community at large disagrees with you.


Nice idea. It would be good to see a new thread with all good/interesting ones in one place.

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Blue post is right there in plain English. I’m not stating opinions, but facts.

Cool. I’m not concerned about how you view me.

There’s no “might”. It’s pretty cut and dry that it isn’t cheating.

Also the community at large doesn’t matter. Blizzard’s policies do.

That’s an attempt to shift goal posts.

It’s not about counting down and clicking the queue button for them anymore.

The blue post blows that part out of the water, now it’s a combination of that and the ‘Leave Queue’ button.

Even if, from my experience, leaving queues is fairly rare.

Yeh yeah you never answers my question. You never stated whether or not you feel when you are Que synching that you aren’t taking advantage of other players.

Make friends.
Your experience in WoW will be better across the board.

It feels good to be duking it out with your friends at your side.

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We can discuss the damage premade raids are doing to the epic bg bracket.

Premade raids in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

Hopefully, we can raise enough awareness about these worsening problems to catch Blizzard’s attention.

^^ Some premade raiders are acknowledging problem #2. Progress I guess?


is pvp food an advantage? it’s available to everyone but not everyone uses it.
are gems/enchants an advantage? they’re available to everyone but not everyone uses them.

That really infuriates me. I put down a feast and people just don’t eat it.

Sometimes I put down both the pig and the soup, just in case someone is roleplaying a vegan.

And I put down my Cauldron of the Pooka… With a fancy macro which explains what it does. And moments later someone will demand that a mage table is placed.

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Speaking of which, you should probably consider using some. You’re missing too much.

Did you go all season like this? That character looks like it had no thought put into it at all. Ironic coming from the guy who talks about “lazy and complacent” players.:wink:


have to start over after each account gets banned but this toon and my feral both conquest geared and gemmed/enchanted. is armory not updated? im also currently gearing a 70 toon on my original bnet account which should hit 500hl before TWW drops.
only playing maybe 2 hours a day compared to others who might be able to play all day means im constantly behind in gearing.
by “no thought” do you mean my choices in secondary stats?

Food is an in game item easily accessible. It causes no advantage. You can’t use in game items as an anecdote for Que syching behaviour. The fact remains that using discord and queing multiple teams at once into the same bg is garbage olay by garbage players who should not be even classified as PvP players but fringe-cheaters … on the outlier of blizz rules. The only people who think this is fair are the Que synchers themselves. Everyone else thinks it’s absolute garbage. Don’t compare what you are doing to people getting “food” you don’t get to minimalist your cheating, exploitation actions like that.

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Do players need to circumvent restrictions to bring their food into random bgs?


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Thanks for ruining a game mode for me