You’re free to try it bucko. I’ll still be here reporting you and the others for polluting the forums.
Why would you prioritize an elemental that can easily be killed over team momentum?
I can get to ROC on my own on any toon to get a buff anytime. Why are you holding it against a strat call?
The Tree and Rock are both useless if you dont have 12 healers. Period.
This is why pugs lose, with their crazy PVE mindset thinking a “mini boss” is the best play for PVP. Sorry. Too funny.
Most of these people’s only PvP experience is running around like a herd of thirsty cats and telling everyone they’re special snowflakes and don’t have to listen to the people trying to help them win.
That’s why we get threads like this.
Also don’t bother trying to reply to my post, Elois or whatever your name is. You somehow managed to escape my ignore list.
the raid did what he called for and lost, even after we won roc fight, we didnt NOT follow his strat
Cause its fun to troll you.
You bite all the time.
Dont recall
He is just a salty player that also Epic Syncs and got mad at a bunch of players cause a whole thread told him he couldnt beat another forum poster in a fight.
He’s kind of like that annoying kid in High School class but most of the other kids just roll their eyes at
You told me that like months ago. Don’t blame me you didn’t follow through with it
I’ll direct you to this:
He’s just mad he won’t be able to use the forums like a Tumblr blog.
Hmmm, ‘1 Hidden Reply’
Love you Akatsuki <3 stay safe honey
The environment of the forum has always been, ppl posting something, and have to comb thru a bunch of forum trolls with their pointless responses. A is a nice person, nothing to do with premades, A is a girl, nothing to do with premades also dont care, premades not cheating, enough ppl say it is then it is.
If everyone said that they sky was green, would you then go “Yup, the sky is green”?
show me where ppl say sky is green, and how many ppl are saying that
dont care, been bothered by premades everytime i join epic bg, bliz can fact check how many ppl /afk and the A name has been passing around inside of this community, dont believe me do a /search, simple
They can, but they won’t.
they are banning early M+ key leavers, your kind’s doom is coming, wait for it.
People having been saying this for years.
Don’t mind me if I don’t hold my breath.
Yeah kind of with Hirav with this one.
Blizz are useless at actually Policing their game against cheats and bots etc
I feel like ever since Holly is in charge Blizzard has changed a lot, I really like that lady.
Hirav on supatease calling out que syncing “its appeal to authority”
Hirav then linking a vague blue post from almost 5 years ago as a shield = not appeal to authority.
But then again back in 2014 when the current matchmaking system was put in place against the wishes of premades you had no problem “defying authority” when it suited you.
But now that you think you have a blue post on your side your playing jail warden or something lecturing everyone on “authority” lmao please.
lol this panda is well known for his behavior it seems