Epic BG premade and those ppl will threat players if we disagree with their failing strat

I like how you have to pretend that it’s vague.

It’s only a fallacy if the authority you use isn’t a real authority, like the spokespeople of the company who makes the rule.

I never give up hope tho, blizzard has changed a lot for the last year or so, pumping out contents like never before, we should give them a chance

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Enough said.

Like I said when the “authority” put and end to your nonsense you went around it.

When the “authority” is doing nothing to your benefit you are watching like a hawk to thump somebody with “the rules”

Weird that the post asking if it is cheating is from 2019, I wonder what changed?

Someone left and someone else got hired.

Oh, well, the 2019 ruling is the latest, I’ll go with that then.

Yeah and I wonder what you’ll do if and when the current person gets fired.

Probably throw “authority” to the wind the second it doesn’t benefit you like you did before and try to go around whatever they do.:person_shrugging:

If the rule gets changed, then the rule gets changed.

But currently, it is not cheating.

If something is currently “allowed” doesn’t change its nature, premade’s nature is to cheat the other team by preplanning, , on comps, pre typed out macros, raid markers, having the correct raid composition, while the other team has none, if that is not cheating I don’t know what is.

No. It is currently not cheating. It is allowed, because it is not considered cheating.

It is currently and forever will be CHEATING

Then if we are going by our own personal definitions, you are a cheater.

Lawl don’t care dude, keep the simp life going, you go gurl!

You certainly seem to.

I walked in your house which is empty for a while and claimed it my own, cuz state law allows it, good luck have fun, LEGAL af

And? I think adverse possession should be legal everywhere.

Was “adverse possession” too many long words for you?

Why are you wasting your time on them then? Go farm box drops or do something else with your time.

Premade leaders in random bgs are first losers cuz they can’t win a legitimate premade rbg game, they can only “win” when they are cheating the other team.

Tuytdyt is a cheater, because they are named Tuytdyt.

Since we’re using personal definitions and all.