Epic Battleground Wintergrasp

This battleground has to be the most unbalanced Battleground ever created. If you are queued into this Epic Battleground on offense, well good luck getting a win. I have done over 200 games in this battleground, and the ratio of winning is something like 90% win on Defense and 10% win on Offense. Please either remove this Epic Battleground from the random queue or please give Offense a little more options, things like remove cannon range able to hit Sunken Ring node and maybe give offensive players the ability to plant bombs to take down walls.



Did one last night with 4 other guildies. I ended up as raid lead. The 35 other pugs all did listen to the strat I laid out. We did breach the first wall. But we were spread thin trying to build and retake/defend workshops. We ended up losing, but we did try. In the end, people stopped defending and we lost WS’s.

I have also been in offensive groups that tried different strategies but there are just too much defender advantages for offense to overcome.

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I think blizz should also make SR and BT neutral at the start so that defense cannot instantly build catas there and wipe the enemy team with the OP flame breath. That spell does 8% max health damage per tick with a 30 yard range AoE cone. The moment defense is able to build catas, offence will get wiped.


Since it’s 50-50 chance to be in the defence or the offense, Wintergrasp does force a result very close to 50% win rate for both factions. Isn’t this the very definition of “fairness,” which is everyone ends up in the same place?

lol i wish it was a 50/50 chance. Me and many other players get offence the vast majority of games. Of the 16 games i have data on (from the launch of shadowlands), 3 of them have been defense. Many players have had the same experience both on alliance and horde side.

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pplz still not auto /afk this bg?


People need to start treating it like Tol Barad in Cata, offense just auto gives up and moves on. Its the only way blizzard changes things nowadays, especially old content.

Its too bad, Wintergrasp is a fun concept.


Of all the epic BGs this one is the worst! Wish it would be removed and replaced with something new and modern.

We had WG offense about 4 times tonight, not a single defense. Every single match was a loss. We tried on all of them. Again tonight, we did breach one wall. FIx this crap Blizz or remove it.

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It’s not even fun when you’re winning. I got backfilled into a winning defense game earlier, which means the person before me probably got bored and afked out.

You would think being in a winning bg would be a fun experience, but Wintergrasp is the exception since almost all PvP dries up right after the first teamfight. The losing team afks out/gives up/stops trying, and driving around an empty/PvP-less map for ~40 minutes isn’t fun - it’s boring.

WG is just a complete dumpster fire in it’s current state, I’ve never seen such a one-sided bg like the typical pugs-vs-pugs WG match :laughing:

A lot of people do leave when they found out they got queued Into an offense WG.

I usually just afk on offense, but I have won once. Then a few days ago I got in on Defense and actually lost I was even more upset.

I agree with OP, but I know change is hard for blizzard so I would settle for a blacklisting option again cause I got some issues with Seething Shore as well as you can no doubt tell from my record in that BG.

Bumping the best Wintergrasp complaint threads I can find until we receive a response.

Sorry, but alliance gets offense 90% of the time. Just played 6 Wintergrasps and all were on offense. This happens every week. And after it happens I want to quit playing WoW.

You absolutely do NOT have a 50-50 chance of being defense or offense. Tons of people leave as soon as they see they are on offense.

That means every game really has say 50* defense (ie. if 10 people end up leaving) spots VS like 100* offense, so 33/66%*

[*] All numbers are made up, but you get the point. Who knows what is the actual average number of people who leave on offense/defense

I have no idea how they haven’t even attempted to patch it yet. Not only is offense assured a loss, it often ends with the defensive team farming the offense team at their spawn point.

Just a waste of time. Either fix this or let us thumbs down a bg please.

They need to get rid of this BG or bring back Blacklist.

bumping to keep the thread alive. Not acceptable for Wintergrasp to stay at its current state!

Just afk’d out of a WG and now im here, waiting out my 15 min debuff. It’s a good thing waiting is prime content in this game.