Epic battleground premades

The Alliance premade running AV tonight, really appreciate you wasting 40 people’s time because you knuckle draggers can’t find enjoyment in this game without strapping training wheels to your head and sync queueing your way into an epic bg.

Ya’ll need to find a new game, you’re pathetic and sad.

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Yo Stickbundle, why don’t you just join a Horde community? Everyone could always use a healer.

Yep. Also funnier when you know it’s just two pugs. Or sometimes it’s just 5 people from a community on one side and the other side also has a random 5-man. lol

No thanks, I stand by what I said. Epic BG premade are a pathetic waste of time. You guys and gals are welcome to get together and war game yourselves into a frenzy.

But as I said above, myself nor the other 39 people, want to be stuck in your circular glad handing get together.

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It was probably SPM.

My eyes have rolled so hard I’ve gone blind. Probably for the best.

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Yikes! Perhaps popsicle stick art might be more your speed?


ooooh am i just intime my new hpal needs some honors

no point in even bother posting premades vs randoms should of never been a thing and the fact its 2023 and blizzard has done nothing about it is pathetic and just goes to show you they dont care, the only thing that matters is keeping the elites happy in Rated.

Thanks for the suggestion but I think I’m going to stick to rated pvp. I’ll leave the chest thumping and peacocking to you kids.

Bro respect the role play

Maybe when they are dogpiled in an orderly fashion they dont connect the dots.

. . .


im all for playing with friends

but theres a difference between

  1. playing with a few homies
  1. spending an entire hour to get 30 people to sync Q together just for the sole intent to have an unfair game

It takes some of the larger communities less than 5 minutes to have a full synch queued premade :dracthyr_shrug:

thats pretty darn kewl my man. pretty darn kewl

/10 characters

You mean you can’t just form a raid and queue up for EBGs?

How do i join one of these Alliance ones? I have a group that used to do premade Classic Ashrans when I played 2 years ago but they seem to be dead.

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Yeah, I’m also curious. I was lucky to get into a few over the years, because I was lucky to stumble into their games as they advertised in raid chat. But these new premades seem to be elusive and don’t play when I play.

I know it’s a dividing topic, and I hate queuing against a premade myself, but it’s pretty refreshing way to play epic BGs if you get into one. You can play absolutely insane strats.

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