Epic battleground premades

that is not my horde toon ! all my horde toons r belfs and lvl 50 still x:

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Hey AV premade farmers, do us all a favor and go touch grass.

ima premade of 1 person and i will not touch grass x: cuz im allergic to grass so no

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Fair. /10char

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Real talk, I think the best solution is for Blizzard to help epic premades queue into one another so that their spite can cancel each other out.

For instance, if the player limit was removed like back in Vanilla and TBC and groups of above 10+ went into their own queue on both sides, with randoms filling in, it would alleviate the missed queues for the premades and prevent them from wrecking solo queuers for hours on end.

I dunno where these alliance premades are, because I ain’t seein any of that, only horde premades

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I know. I was just kidding around because their name was similar.



I think the weaker premades would still sync queue to avoid the stronger premades.

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they r a cute troll tho they had a cute hair do

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3 days later…

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Jugaa, your a medical professional in real life so I will respect it. But you honestly need to find a different hobby outside of stalking Holycow.

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Not stalking anyone, just pointing out when these premade threads are bumped.

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That’s another negative consequence that people don’t discuss as much. Teams in epic bgs start the game with significantly more empty spots because premades are dropping queues when they don’t sync up.

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I was backfill in a couple of those on Ashran, on blue team Bandit. Half the team missing and people slowly trickling in to fill the gaps.

“/i So what happened here?”

Funnily enough, I think I’ve won every game I’ve joined late like that.


Pre Made Battle groups do ruin the game. After so many years of doing other stuff since 2004- I PVP. only.
The amount of wins the Horde has gotten in the BG’s I have been in lately are almost nothing. I feel for the people just trying out PVPing. The thrill killings of the Alliance is awful and most likely one or more are actual Horde.
I’m the annoying hunter with the build I have. I couldn’t hold a flag by myself and am not afraid to admit to it. I do my best try to help others with the talents I’ve chosen.
If there are 100 Plus threads on this Maybe some how Blizzard will take notice . Fake*…they won’t even clean up the few BG’s we have. Asking for a new one is out of the question, they are far too busy catering to the Indoor NPC Raiders.They whine all the time. I have seen them standing around in Valdraken with their High Level gear having nothing to do.
They seem to think there is an end game to WOW…lol- it just washes,rinses and repeats…End game my Ar$e who they trying to fool?? No love to the BG’s It’s been a long time coming and until H3ll Freezes Over we will see nothing new. laurel~


holy paragraph batman

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the new rule for hunters is who can get the most kbs with the absolute least damage done, must love dogs

I’m not quite sure what KBS means… I’m just not into the rigors of the Maxed out hunter rules anymore. I’m older now and I chose more of a supporting role with this character.
I die a lot because I am so annoying with the spells I use - Concussive, Tranq, Tar Trap, Murder of Crows, Etc.
I have used dogs in the past they always get killed because they are ground pets, I have Reban but I have chosen to use Crows as pets which Attack from the sky… I do whatever I can do to help my team but as of late we just get slaughtered esp in Random BG’s. I feel like a conquest reward after so many losses.
Anyways thanks for your feedback I don’t no whether it was a good or bad remark…
I do whatever I do whatever that might be. It’s been a long road since 2004, I have slowed down quite a bit. but that is a whole different story…Peace- Laurel~

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Killing blows.

The person who does the last piece of damage that kills an opponent gets a KB.

Thank you for clarifying. I don’t try to steal kills- my mindset is not in that direction. I try and help my teammates I see off to the side in trouble. I’m not in it for how many kills I get. If someone dies on our team it’s a kill for the other side. I’ve played since 2004 and am slowing down a lot. Stealing kills is not my thing even if everyone disagrees. I don’t feel the need anymore to be the best at anything in game. Those days have been waning for more than a few years. I just want to participate and help… Peace-Laurel~

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just go for killing blows, follow the pack on your team as if they’re your dogs. Who cares if its a 5v1 you get the kb, honor is a reward and nothing more, a paladin can being fighting a warrior and the rogue will cheap shot the warrior with full cooldowns completely oblivious that another altercation is going to occur in 10 seconds, they just want the kill.

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