Epic battleground premades

I have the Mini Diablo pet. Game, set, match.

If you do, I’m filing official complaints with Blizzard and the BBB.


Unsubbed ie. not playing the game.

Yes, but I also got the survey. Maybe they just sent it to a ton of people? You also can’t post on the forums while unsubbed. I’ve tried. Someone was talking some smack about me after I had unsubbed once. I’ll find you Hercx.

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They sent the same set of questions to active players and inactive players, so they can look for significant differences in the responses between the two different populations.


It was in response to someone getting game time for being unsubbed. Doesn’t matter in the end. One plays the other doesn’t.

None of this matters in the end. All of these points in these threads have been made hundreds of times over the course of 20 years. If the usual epic premades suspects didn’t bump these threads so often then they wouldn’t even be on the front page.

It’s like epic premade complaint threads are time walking dungeons that never go away.

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There’s only one who habitually bumps threads. And by that I mean once it dies out and is not replied to after 4 days or so. It’s not you, aka or me btw.

Gosh do I love reading salty comments about epig bg’s.

Let’s go through and bump all of them from the most recent all the way back to 2019.

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Welcome to the forums! You want some salt, go to general discussion.

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Have at it.

Then your comprehension is subpar.

Premade players do not make up the majority of those queing. That does not mean premades aren’t a big problem.

But you clowns love to pretend as if your communities are somehow keeping casual bg’s “alive.” And at this point, you’ll be the death of it. Why? Because you’re all too scared to go against each other.


Another funny aspect of these communities is that they try to equate what they’re doing with ordinary 5 man premades. Everyone else knows the complaints are about premade RAIDS which is not something blizzard have said they approve. The 5 man restriction is there for a reason.

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Oh boy, ain’t that the truth. You could salt a fresh order of fries with threads in general discussion.

Cope! Lmao

Challenge accepted.


^ These.

I thought y’all were exaggerating, but then I saw this:

I saw you on your secret Horde toon!


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What art program do you use to blur things, is that corel painer or gimp or what?

Well, I just help people post screenshots, so idk.

Edit: They said GIMP.

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