Eonar Alliance Reconnections

Hey Ortho :slight_smile:

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Demure, Dehlia, Daley, Serean…
Played Dehlia as my main for several years. Started off with Wolfie, can not remember the guild. Then went to Distortion, raided MC, AQ40 etc. Raided with Synergy and still belong to that guild.

Demure is now my main for over 10 years.

I am the GM of Exiles and have been for over 13 years. We raided a lot in Cata, BC, but quickly died down a lot in Panda.

Wanted to say hello, I am still on Eonar, still GM, and still playing.
Great to connect again.


Your name seems familiar. I remember Synergy was an ally guild with Revelation.

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Night Elf male Warrior named Darktempler. I remember a human warrior named Thanso, and a priest (unsure on race or name) I PvPed with. Was in a guild called Eye of Horus for a time. Also made some guild called Pirates of Azeroth or something like that. I know there would have been plenty of other people but I just don’t remember from so long ago.
edit: is DM still camping Sentinel Hill?

OMG I totally remember you from Harbringers. I had a NE Hunter Named Missnadia. I think I even have some screenshots with you in them

I remember you, its been awhile. I am surprised I haven’t seen more people from Harbringers on here.

A few of us from Committed (still on Eonar) rolled horde on Mankrik. I figure I won’t be able to recreate the experience of Vanilla WoW, so I made a Troll Shaman named Thran.

I did also make a NE Rogue named Thranduel, but it seems like most people here rolled on Pagle anyways.

I rerolled my Undead Mage Clide on one of the PVP servers too, but I’m not sure that I’ll play him.

Used to be Temeri, a Night Elf Priest in Guardians of Dawn for a while, and various other alts.

Battletag: Clockwork#1667
Discord: Clockwork#1000

Hi Eonar! I spent most of vanilla, TBC, and wrath on alliance side, playing Woofie or one of my countless little alts. I transferred her to horde sometime in Cataclysm I think?

On alliance side, I spent time in:
Jaded, Easy Company, and casually in Wait Listed

For the horde, I was the GM of Circle Panic, a very small guild, and raided very lightly with Ascension until I took a two year break, and then re-rolled on Stormrage.

I hope everyone is just as excited for classic as I am. If anyone remembers Hephestus, human warrior/Romanov, draenei shaman, I’ll let him know he has friends looking for him!


I was also in Hegira, before that Evil Empire/Whatever the new names were. Lords of Destiny, The White Knights, Immortals.

I believe my Rogues name was Matrim, but it was so long ago and I had many server transfers and renames since then. My Warlocks name was Rhuarc, but my Rogue was more well known (I wish I remembered it’s name).

I was in the military at the time, left for Afghanistan roughly just before Kara release and remember having a pity run for me with a rogue named Squint as well.

Sorey, if you can remember what my rogues name was or have guild boss downing screeshots from The Burning Crusade, could you check please do aid me as I want to recreate it! I also remember the ‘goats’ holygoat and goatrage etc.


Family is good :’) I’ll be maining on the RPPVP realm for sure (Alliance as well, though). I’ve heard a lot of Eonar people plan on going to Pagle, which kinda makes me sad but whatevs! I’m sure there’ll still be plenty of world pvp there too.

Tha Digital DJ, Balkradinn here, little annoying holy paladin. Nice to see you’re still kicking around.

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Irishgnome looking for Immortals players and I believe I was in questionable intent for a little while. I always pal’d around with another lock named Croeus.

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Irishgnome sounds very familiar to me. Mathrath, Dwarf Hunter. If memory serves me correctly, I may have been in Immortals.

I was always a Nat Pagle fan, heading to Pagle with two other old Eonar and IRL friends

Jpizz - Night elf warrior
Remexx - Dwarf Priest

My main was a dwarf hunter named Shangun. I swear I was in a guild called The Dream is Still Alive. I also ran my own guild for a while when I had no clue what I was doing. Perhaps that was called Dark Hunters?

Fierii - Human - Mage
Guilds: Jaded and Manus
People I would like to reconnect with …
Sold, Lutherian, Eridu, Deedlit, Mcbain, Monrandria, Flare, Ladios, Cifer, Beastila, Aiglos, Miljinor, Gumbercules, Fishfoo, Antie, Toadie, and about a zillion other people too long to list. I primarily raided with Manus for the majority of my raiding career in vanilla and was part of the weekly Molten Core Manus pugs. I pulled aggro off Yoshi and ice blocked on Lethon after two critical frostbolts hits, which Yoshi said was impossible for me to get aggro off him after two sunders with thunderfury… lol was he wrong.

Battlenet ID: Rev#1939

What up!? It’s Swainstyle! Human Warlock main from the guild Reign in Blood.

Looking forward to joining all of Eonar again!

I wonder if there are any guildies out there???

  • Madcow - used to main a rogue?

  • A physician from Montana, sorry I forget the name but was a warrior?

  • A stoner from Evansville, IN used to main a warlock as well - was the name Des…?

I’m hoping reconnect with Yen… my favourite farmer.


Soreys Guild Hegira, merged with my Guild Infamy and we ran KARA together with Squint, Elgin, and myself Megalomania. Matrim was your rogues name. Go to warcraftrealms dot com and search for him, and you will see what I found. It wont let me put a link to it. And welcome back. Sorey and I have reserved Characters on Atiesh and Will be playing there.

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