Eonar Alliance Reconnections

I was just thinking back to all the BC heroics we used to do together, ahaha!
I hope you’ve been well!

Hey everyone! Orthodox here.

It’s great seeing some familiar characters that may be playing again! Raids and Trade Chat aren’t the same without you all…

Hoping for many others to reappear too :smiley:

Classic Server Choice: Atiesh
Class: Priest
Race: Night Elf

Hope to see ya’ll again soon :slight_smile:

Redpepper, male NE Hunter played by a female irl. My early guilds included Angelic Order, Defiance, and Ambassadors of Hyrule, and between Red and my human female Priest Jenevieve I was the GM of Odyssey (BC), Instinct (WotLK), and I think Velocity. There have been MANY guilds, and a couple of name changes:
Redpepper > Echoes > Necessity > (server txfr to Whisperwind) Zivaness
Jenevieve > Graciousness

Avengers of the Fallen
Got Rice
Lotka Volterra
Wicked Brew
Chaotic Carnage
Angelic Order
Ambassadors of Hyrule

Necessity#1895, currently playing on Whisperwind, and saved Redpepper on Pagle in Classic

Danté -> Dariagan, Human Warlock
House of Fallen Angels

Farm some skin of shadows?

Who were you in fallen heros?

Hey all,

I played a NE hunter, Angelwing. Was in a few end game guilds: House of Heroes, Surreal and Last Attempt. Looking for anyone who might’ve played with me so we can recapture the Nostalgia on the same server.

HEY! I started as Pharroh(rogue)…then mained a mage called Puffnstuff in Holy Carnage. wonder if Ysho, Sardax, Mofeux , Doc , Tahlmora still around? Rolling on Pagle…would love to get back with HC peeps. I remember competing with (We Know Girls) for server first kills. We all transferred to Arygos and formed Misery.

Been well! a little older, a little more family and a lot less free time. I will more than likely go to my OG alliance side but hope to see you in game.

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Drunkin, Dwarf Hunter. A Guild Called Quest, Last Attempt

I know Nulas is here, I believe Innoue is still around. Anyone else from the GCQ days still out there?


Hi all ,mite come back not sure yet ,but was the best part of my gaming years playing wow,was a hunter named Artfulldodger…

I put a character on Pagle. Might be my main. Hope to see some familiar faces.

Aonghus - gnome mage, co-GM of <Legendary>.

Guilds included:
Order of the Echo
Champions of the Dawn (Molten Core)
Revelation (BWL & Naxx)
Legendary (TBC & WotLK)
Perpetual (Legion)

Hope to reconnect with some old friends. I’ve rolled Aonghus on Atiesh and Pagle depending on where old friends end up.


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I remember playin with you on my gnome rogue, Rockstar. I was tight with Sreg and Raylow.

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Rockstar, gnome rogue, played in GCQ. I remember Innoue helped me a lot, learning how to not 2 key dps in raids haha.

My mans! Sreg gnome rogue here. <3


bring back Raylow

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Hey Hoon!

I think we were in Catharsis together? I was a pally by the name of Andarius at the time. I will be on Mankirk when everything launches.

This is close to the only name I recognize out of this thread.

Wow, some of the other names sound familiar, but some don’t.

Been on Eonar since Feb 04.