Eonar Alliance Reconnections

Hi Rhuarc, Angelwing here. I remember you very well. How ya been?

That’s hilarious! Who was your main in the guild? Although I took a bunch of time off and probably don’t remember a ton of names.

• Tattie Nelfdruid, but I also dabbled in pvp only hordeside as a Tauren druid named Tattietoo (Changed to just Tattie once Velen became cross server and I could create horde and alliance with the same names!) - I pretty much am every character named Tatt+ or Tattie+ (Not to be confused with Tatiahna/Cheena.)
• I was in Reign through vanilla then went into Second Attempt/Last Attempt > Distortion > Infallible > Notoriety essentially.


Nefldruid is a very familiar name. I’ve definitely seen you around.

Hey Y’all,

I was Unregistered, a Gnome Mage in vanilla! I see a few of you that i remember around here. <3

Heyyy Naric, wasup. This is Muulan from Trail by Fire/Overraided. I’m still on Eonar with most of my chars, but transferred my main to play with Perptual folks when they went horde to Area52.

I still play with Innoue, once in a while, esp back in Legion. He’s still around (never left Eonar)

I remember Puffnstuff …i remember farming for mats for making raid stuff and then getting to raid place at least 30 mins early to hope to get place in raid lol

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i used to be in a guild with someone named Heathrow.

Hey all, Piznimp here, played a nightelf Rogue from vanilla up until around lvl 110. Had a priest Piznimpette also. I raided with Dachaos/Wait Listed/Catalyst. Also Pvped a bunch.


Sup everyone, main toon back in the day was a night elf rogue named Slie, stepdad played a human paladin named Dogbrain was apart of a guild called Guardians of the Night.

Definitely remember you, Averagejoe. I was Bloodreaver from Revelation back in the MC/BWL days. Fell off the map after a computer death sidelined me, ended up rolling Horde with my best friend once I returned. Good to see you’re still around!

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BRO! WHAT’S UP?! Hahahahahaaa. Which server are you planning on playing? I have a character on Pagle, Thalnos, and Whitemane.

My buddies and I are planning on rolling Mankrik (Horde) but I threw a placeholder on Pagle in case i got the Alliance itch haha.

I rolled 2 toons on Pagle, arti - hunter / and coolbreeze - mage , not sure which ill main but maybe see ya there :stuck_out_tongue:

@Gnope. I wasn’t actually in the guild. I picked it up from the last person in the guild who was leaving and giving the guild away. Bank tabs already paid for? Yes please.

I don’t actually use it anymore, now that every toon has a reagent bank. You can have it back if you like. I only have about 4 guild banks for storage, and I barely use 1 now.

@Daeshim … you’re not Dashann are you?

Well feel free to add me. Ruckainc#1861

Auronedge, Human warrior
GM / RL / Officer in House of Heroes, Surreal, Reign, Second Attempt
Alliance “Marshals” PvP team, Summer 2005.

Probably playing casually on Atiesh.


Holy christ Auron! Been years since i’ve seen you! (<- Unregistered)

Freddina, Human Showpriest. Often fell asleep during Mardon runs late at night.