Eonar Alliance Reconnections

Knowlis (60 Human Mage) says hi!

Dandrac here, Arc Mage let me know if you will Reform the Robes, Miss you guys. Looking forward to playing with you guys again.

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Hey Eonar! For those who will be back in the classic, have you decided what server you ll choose? If you pick a ‘normal’ eastern server, will it be Mankrik or Pagle?..I like fishing :sunglasses:

My Main back in Vanilla was Kellia, played on Eonar from vanilla - early Wrath, after vanilla I primarily played Aillek - warrior (who has been my main warrior since now named Pestilent)

Primary guilds I was in were Five Fold Kiss and Descent in Vanilla, though I remember with five fold kiss we partnered a lot with Alliance of Fire, especially during TBC.

My now wife (was GF at the time) used to also play her name was Amalaya and she played in Ghost Children if memory serves.

Some of the people I remember (hopefully spell names correctly)
Darktiger - warrior
Padhg - Paladin
Xandra - Mage (AoF guild leader if memory serves)
Phoenixsoul - Rogue
Garr - Warrior
Peeches - Descent Guild leader

I know there are many many more I could probably mention, and I am positive somewhere on one of my old hard drives I even have the Video one of the Descent guildies made for when we finally cleared BWL.

EDIT* - Will definitely be playing classic, so far leaning PvE realm with a handful of current guildies wanting that, so likely land on Pagle, but may throw a character or 2 on other EST PVP as alternative options.

I do plan on trying to get the Robes back together. I’ll probably reinstate the merit system as well. See you at the Blue Recluse!

I’ve set up a guild discord channel here: discord.gg/G5JnBG4

Hey everyone this is Monoiest. I transferred off Eonar with my buddy at the time Neversleep. Looking for some early Guardians of the Dawn people like my man Graffiti and Chernobog.

Averagejoe from Revelation here. Human warrior. Hope everyone has been happy and healthy these past 15 years. I have many fond memories from vanilla days and I hope to make some more in the upcoming weeks.

Main Kloth Druid
Ironhouse clan, Fusion

Hiya! Totally remember you guys! Glad to see some familiar faces. :grin:

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Today is name reservation day. What server is everyone playing?

My old Eonar buddies and I will be reuniting on the PAGLE server! Hope to see all of you there!

Pagle might be a big draw for Eonar. There are only 2 PVE Eastern servers, and the other one is named after Barrens scum.


Murgen (Dwarf Warrior) looking for the old guildies. I play a horde shaman now (Mittenss) on Arthas. I might have also played an orc warlock.

Bokagos, Anohe, Herem where you at?

Hey all! Destrukt checking in, used to play gnome mage in Fates Requiem, Ascendence and lastly Hegira where I switched between warrior main tank and Gnome Mage. Where’s everyone rolling? add me at Destrukt#1654

Hi FK, Soasin from back in the day!

Hey all,

I played a Night Elf Rogue named Naric in a guild originally called Trial by Fire that rolled into Overraided at some point in TBC. Not sure how many folks from the guild are still around but would love to reconnect!

I’m pretty sure one of my bank alts has your Overraided guild!

Edit: Looks like we’re going to Pagle.

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This is me not sure why it selected this character lol

Theona, human female paladin, Guild co-founder of Crimson Plague.

Looking for any and all who were members of Crimson Plague.