Eonar Alliance Reconnections

Hey All, Portobello here, reporting for classic! Used to be a plate rogue in Harbringers back in the day. Changed servers in late BC

I played a Draenei Paladin named Volis way back in the day, my father, Oless, was a Dwarf Paladin in a guild on Eonar but I barely remember any of the details. Anyone remember us?

Hoondul, warrior tank

This was my main all through vanilla. I raided with Advent Ghost and Catharsis before taking the free transfer to Arygos. Hoondul#1144

I have a family now so I won’t be able to grind like I used to, but looking for some people to casually play with

Thranduel, Night Elf Rogue. GM of Knights of the Wild/Questionable Intent. Leader of KAOS Raiding Alliance.

Not sure how much classic I’ll play or if I’ll play horde or alliance. I used to run a Undead Horde mage named Clide on Eonar too for PVP in LOL Capslock

15 Rogue UBRS FTW!

Ill be there.
Like always.

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Hello fellows

If anyone from Corps of Discovery still plays hmu!


Kerberos (I think) Night Elf Hunter - (Guardians of Dawn?) geez its been awhile and also Melagant - Human Paladin - Same guild above.

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played a nightelf druid Chaya guild was Holy Carnage

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I played as Phil, a Gnome Warlock in Gnomeland Security and Harbringers. I have a poor memory so unfortunately I don’t remember much. I’m playing retail currently and may try out classic. Good luck to everyone when it launches!

Mage: Rei-Eonar
Warrior: Muulan-Eonar

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Hello there!

I was Allan, the dwarf priest, in the guild Holy Carnage as well!

I still have old screenshots from back then. Here’s one of us raiding Naxx.

https:// i. imgur. com /OecRj2X.jpg

(Remove the spacing, it wouldn’t let me post links.)


OMG I remember raiding and playing with Hegira, I was Dalanas the Pally… you guys were my first real guild, I ran Kara with you as a last second Hpally for Curator and ran Heroics with Beertank and my brother Bloodshackle the Dwarf Hunter.

<-- Pandamed. (Can’t Get No Satisfaction, Holy Carnage, Trilogy, Fallen Heroes) Same toon in fact!

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Played NE rogue Sheri, raided with House of Heroes then Holy Carnage

Rakin! I remember you, I was in Scarlet Robes when I was leveling up.

Used to go by Rogjaw - joined up with the Azeroth Brigade, anyone from AzB still alive? I am in contact with Tenseiga and have a few new players that are ready to experience vanilla reborn!

Hello there!

Was a NE Rogue named Wojtek back in the day. Ran with Alliance of Fire and then The First Fleet. Any OG’s still around?

Also Cebanak(sp) was an orc hunter who hit 60 first and Triarius was active on the forums and pvp.

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Elberikk -60 Dwarf Pally - Eonar

Guilds: a bunch until my final resting place “The Eternal Order”.

Looking for a pally named Melkalas (GM of The EO)