Envoker Hot Take is Missing Something "Tanking"

I have seen more reasons for adding a 3rd spec than not. Also the reasons given against can ALL be debunked, trust I did my home work :smiley:

I’ll be happy to go through the history of tank design, from the early reverse days, to the intro of AM with DK’s, to the 4 revamps after that, to the borrow phase that started with MoP.

With anybody who actually understands tank design.


Cool, good for you! We are discussing evoker getting a 3rd spec and having that third spec be tank, not all tank design. But FYI i have all the tanks, play them competitively, and know them pretty well too :slight_smile:

We literally had a unique style with dark apotheosis, They could just take that concept and put it there and call it a day for Dracthyr tanks.

Yeah I get it, Tanks are only 10% of the game give or take, I don’t have accurate numbers but I do know the tank community is the smallest without a doubt, But it sucks not being able to play something that is EXTREMELY cool because I’m a tank player.

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Every time tanks get something interesting, DPS players swarm the forums en masse and demand it be removed.

I know, I’ve played primarily tanks for well since I started wich I think was BC prepatch on the Nagrand Realm Oceanic.

I’ve played every tank except bear because bear just doesn’t fit my class fantasy.

The amount of cool things we have had yanked because DPS complain is unbelievable.

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and still Tanks are the least represented role in terms of spec to role ratio if everything goes through as is. And so you don’t jump the gun again, I’m not discussing tank design or “shortage” of tanks because none of that has anything to do with specifically adding a 3rd spec to evokers and how a tanking spec makes the most sense and is the most wanted.

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would you settle for dracthyr being open to other tank classes or would you still want evoker to have a tank spec of their own

Problem with bears is that they’ve never had a top-to-bottom rework like DK/Pal/War got after AM was invented. The closest was Legion with the intro of Ironfur, but most of the Legion fixes were scrapped at the end of the expansion (which is why they were so bad in BfA, and so bad in Shadowlands without the Legendary to carry all the weight).

Blizzard originally tried the “dodge tank” idea with bears with the original Savage Defense mechanic, despite players telling them over and over again that dodge tanking is stupid and unrewarding because it’s just RNG. They finally stumbled on the idea of a dodge tank with a mitigation backup, but instead of fixing the dodge tank model for bears, they made Monks instead. Example #1 of how the game has too many tank classes and too few mechanics, already.


Nope, I want an Evoker Tank.

Bears for me never fit the class fantasy, They are literally just meat shields and that’s all I’ve ever seen them as since I played the game, And there are still a few things about AM that I dislike as someone that has played since before and after.

Sadly with the way they are doing the design on Paladin tanks in SL and continuing it to DF I wont be playing it anymore, I’m not interested in a combo point based tank, I hated it in Legion and then they dropped it for BFA and I called BFA the golden times for paladin tank.

It’s back again in SL and it’s staying, HoPo sucks, That still leaves me with Warrior, DK, DH and Monk though I havn’t played monk in a long long time.

druid tanks specifically were never intended to be as strong as other tanks because DRUIDS can perform all roles and were never meant to be the best at any of those roles. If you look at the description of druid on the website it says they are the jack of all trades, master of none. Also thier niche was having the largest health pool of all tanks, not just being dodge tanks. And to top it all off they were the best tanks in the game during legion (got many CE and realm first 15 on one) Lets stick to dracthyr/evoker tanks though :slight_smile:

what if they make a giant have have them tank

There are no specs based on one dragonflight in the first place. It’s not fire vs frost, it’s just a combination of them.

They aren’t even consistently a big meat shield anymore, Blizzard keeps passing that around to other tanks instead. They just don’t know what to do with bears.


This is my concern, though. The notion of adding more tanks to the game when Blizzard can’t even get the current tanks in a good state across the board… it’s just silly. They need to fix what they have before adding more.

And what exactly is bad about the current tanks to you? And what do you want changed?

Every other class that has been released post-Classic has had a tank/melee spec. This is the first ranged class we have had. I don’t think I saw a reason why evokers need a tank spec in the OP.

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false, shaman was added to alliance for BC, as much as shamans love to try they arent actual tanks lol. Aside from that every time a tank was added was because it was needed or thematically fit, both are still true for evoker tanks. It would be another argument completely if we were to say take away one of the existing spec for a tank spec but that is not the case. We are asking for evokers to get a third spec and for that spec to be tank

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… ?

Sorry, but this is incomprehensible to me, I think you replied to the wrong person.

/rollseyes, no i responded to you. But its ok though, its not for you to comprehend. Its for the developer who reads these forums to take to the team responsible for making changes based on what players ask for.

It’s a real shame because I really do Love paladins, But the whole combo point thing slapped on them but it is what it is.