Envoker Hot Take is Missing Something "Tanking"

then they crash down on your head and smash your face in with their claws and tail before biting you in half and picking their thick scales with your corpse :D. Name one time you fought a dragon in wow that didn’t get up in your raid/party’s face. Seriously, give it up, that’s really not a good argument against evoker tanks…please try again later :slight_smile:

They’re still ranged… Not a tank.

Thanks for playing…
Have a wonderful evening.

tanks have ranged spells, so can evoker tanks. Please try again later

Disrespectful, maybe. Lazier and easier to devote design time to without having to think about a third spec? Definitely.

Evoker could definitely have a tank spec - but the goal here was to alternate the DH’s tank/dps to heal/dps. To sort of balance out, I guess.

DH having a third spec… that’s a little more difficult. They are already really close to warlock’s thematically (just like Shadow priest is very similar to affliction lock in terms of dot-stack gameplay), so making a ‘demonic caster’ spec kind of overlaps too much. And I can’t really picture a fel-healer.

On the contrary, considering how much trouble they’ve had with all the tank specs they’ve designed, they’re actually thinking ahead for once.

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The design space for tanks was exhausted long ago. They already started borrowing from peter to pay paul when Monks were created in MoP. Then they had to steal again from others to make Demon Hunters.

There’s no more design space for tanks. They should have stopped with 4 tank classes, in fact.

A ranged DH spec using eyebeams and thrown glaives is perfectly doable. It would be a physical/magic ranged spec, something they game doesn’t really have (Hunters are the closest, but meh).

yes there is, a caster tank is a unique concept. remember caster doesn’t necessarily mean having to be out at range to tank.

I think that’d be redundant with the way Havoc is designed for magical melee gameplay though.

They are actually Dragons. They’ve just been spliced with something Humanoid.

If anything I would’ve preferred full-on Dragons that were either like Drakes with a Visage like Dracthyr over Dracthyr. Or hell, give me whelps.

Their spells would have to be instant cast (have you ever tried casting while tanking multiple mobs?) at which point they’re essentially no longer a caster.


‘We want to play dragons’ ‘We have dragons at the house.’

XD it’s like the ‘we want high elves!’ ‘we have high elves at the house’ (blood/void elves with blue eyes are made).

again wrong, they can cast and channel and keep everything the same just add push back reduction and things like that through their talents/passives. And in regards to your opinion regarding dev time, also wrong. Many iteration of tank specs/trees already exist.

Basically, and I’m tired of it tbh. I’m still not happy about the Quel’dorei customization considering they have almost 0 hairstyles that aren’t edgy or have holes because they didn’t cover where the Tendrils were. [Which I don’t mind the edgy hairstyles but like please – Quel’dorei wouldn’t touch this.]

Dracthyr are not an exception, yes I like how they look decent enough but I would have so much preferred to be an actual Dragon because they have lore and are pre-existing up until being shoe-horned in.

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So many doors would open up for new races and such if they’d add a third, ‘neutral’ faction instead of having to figure out how and why these races are going to be joining up with the Alliance or Horde.

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Then it’s not a caster.

No, there’s the block tank, the shave-off tank, the mortage tank, and the quick-heal tank.

Blizzard is really going in the wrong direction with new classes, people asking for them don’t care about mechanics, they only care about shallow things like cosmetics. Like the people asking for bards, all they care about “uses… uses FLUTE!” And the “caster tank” people who don’t even want caster mechanics, are just “uses… uses MAGIC EFFECTS!”

There’s no need for new classes. They should just make variant cosmetic templates, instead. It won’t mess with game design and will give people exactly what they’re asking for (new visuals).

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That’s a pretty ridiculous claim, very weak argument. Technically instant cast is a cast… but if you have a cast bar or a channel bar you are casting. Your CASTS can also incorporate dmg reduction/active mitigation through spec changing and talents

Specifically discussing evoker tanks (the caster tank) not other tanks. Saying there is no need to add more classes to the game is also pretty…not well thought out. adding new classes and races to a game thats 20 years old is a fantastic idea. A big enough portion of the player base wants a dracthyr that can tank be it as an evoker with a third spec or a tank class that can roll dracthyr. If you dont want to play the dragon flute…dont play it >.<

It’s not, because the design space has been exhausted and they’ve been stripping things from some classes to give to others for years, now.

Adding new classes is absolutely INSANE given the appalling state of many specs’ design.

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Far from it, just because you cant think of something is a stretch to say new classes cant be made.

You can add a caster, Ranged and tank without a melee dps spec it’s not overly hard to do.

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