Entropic Embrace Toggle

Yes, that’s my contention.

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That is indeed a YOU problem. One you need to get over rather than take your frustrations out on Blood and Void elves and their players.


I was mostly joking about trolling Blood Elf players. It mostly came from all the snide Blood Elf players saying things like, “We already have High Elves, they’re on the Horde. If you want to play a High Elf, roll Horde!”

So, what am I to do but roll Horde and RP as an uncorrupted, Alliance-aligned Quel’dorei? That’s what people on these forums have told me to do for years.

These forums are so full of vitriol, there’s hardly any other way to respond but to it but to swat it right back where it came from.

A toggle would be nice, or even an arcane variation of it. But honestly, i’m to the point where i’d accept it if the racial looked more like the Orc/Troll racials when they’re activated. You can tell it’s active but it’s not an eyesore of an effect. The blue goopy look is hideous even to many people who are fans of the Void theme.

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Failing to see your point. Do you think those people are ‘trolling’ you when they say that? It’s certainly not their fault that you are bothered and pressed by the statement of facts, and certainly not very nice that where you see slights where none are intended that you then go out of your way to

Sounds like a very one sided beef if there is any as I doubt Blood Elf players are bothered by the fact they play the actual continuation of High Elf story.

I think they were if anything attempting to find a solution to your problem of wanting playable High Elves by pointing out the actual playable High Elf race, with the Kingdom aesthetic and everything to go w it right down to our heritage quests reinforcing that narrative (you even play as a High Elf in part of the heritage quest because… guess who’s narrative is a continuation of that story)


Less that they’re trolling, more that they’re using obtuse framing in order to shut down discussion rather than addressing the points directly. “We already have High Elves” and “Just roll Horde” are responses that completely disregard the pro-HElf points and instead try to frame advocates as somehow ignorant. What - like we didn’t know the Horde has High Elves? That was never in question.

Not to mention, it always comes with all manner of mean-spirited comments. The mere statement of, “I would like to play as an Alliance-aligned High Elf” is met with comments to the effect of, “Stop being greedy”, “Learn the lore”, “Just quit playing then”, or even “Ha ha, you’ll never get what you want!”

And it’s not just this topic; these forums are full of some of the most spiteful and disingenuous players I’ve met in MMOs. I guess the only thing keeping me here is my excitement over Dracthyr, though I’d probably have a better time in Reddit or Youtube comments.

The Blood Elf story is one of the continuations of the High Elf story, yes. I think it’s really cool and interesting, and the overall aesthetic of Quel’Thalas suits them well. But there are other continuations as well, such as the Kirin Tor, the Silver Covenant, and the scattered civilians in Stormwind. They all have a very different aesthetic and faction alignment. Even the Quel’Danil Lodge depicts a different tone to that of their Sin’dorei cousins.
And these groups are not aligned with the Horde and never have been; they’ve either remained neutral or Alliance-aligned.

Is it so unreasonable that people would want to play Alliance loyalists with Stormwind as their faction capitol? I don’t get why there’s so much vitriol over this.

Someone pointing out what faction has the playable High Elf race and Kingdom etc is not trying to disregard your points, it is quite literally reinforcing the fact that what you’re proposing is a detriment to that playable race in both visual uniqueness and narrative, half the ideas people have for “Alliance” High Elf stories revolve around riding the coat tails of Blood Elf story.

I would have supported a Half Elf direction that both gave the “loyal to the Alliance and Human adjacent” narrative that is always spoken about w this topic, but it also would have justified a model change and would see to it that the story for them going forward is unique in a way that it never infringes or tries to ride the coat tails of the actual playable High Elf race on the Horde.


It’s a poor job of reinforcing it then, because it comes across as reductive and avoiding the point. I’m not sure what you’re referring to regarding other people’s ideas, but the remaining Quel’dorei certainly aren’t riding any coat tails. They’ve taken a firm stance against the Sin’dorei’s allegiances and use of fel magic. The Sin’dorei story is one of finding new power through ambition and alliances of convenience. The Quel’dorei story is one of purity and principle in the face of devastation.

If the anti-HElf users really wanted to address the points, they should emphasize Dalaran’s neutrality and thus lack of cohesive Alliance sub-faction. I could maybe even understand the lack-of-numbers argument if it weren’t for the addition of Void Elves, an even smaller subset with a vanishingly small population. That threw a wrench into all the old arguments, and merely added the potential argument of redundancy.

My suggestion in the past for visual differentiation has been that of visual options (warmer/cooler colours), and animations (assertive/calm stances). I think it would be plenty, as half the time I’m even able to differentiate Pandaren at a glance merely because of their fashion choices.

No, You are a Void Elf, If you want to live without the toggle, Go be a BLOOD ELF



People don’t try to push for Quel’thalas? A warfront? A return to the Alliance? This idea that “Alliance” High Elves are always just right there around the corner trying to attach themselves as some sort of foil to any and all Blood Elf story? You wouldn’t call that riding the coat tails of Blood Elf story? I would and I do, and it’s probably a large part of why 6 Elves weren’t made playable because of the infringement on the actual playable race Horde side.

We do. In fact its a main point lol.

Doesn’t matter, Pandaren were and always have been intended neutral since their introduction, this idea that Blood Elves (the playable High Elf race) now has to contend w this is really not cool, and a remaining reason why I would and do object to further options that are not void themed on Void Elves.

Lanesh has existed since MOP devs have said he has a story we just haven’t seen it yet. He looks like he is in Scryer clothing, why is that? Does that suggest he’s an OL High Elf that linked up w the Scryers? Well we know he’s w the Blood Elves now, so I would assume he took up the BE name, I think thats an ongoing implied narrative.


I want the opposite, I want the option to leave it on permanently. Or give them a skintone that looks like it :thinking:


First post
Best post


I guess I just haven’t seen those arguments. Even still, they’re not my arguments. I don’t care about Quel’thalas, I’m perfectly happy with Stormwind and Dalaran.

My point with Pandaren isn’t to suggest that High Elves should be neutral in the same way, but rather that in spite of Pandaren being literally identical, I can still often tell them apart anyway.
Thus if they added some proper differentiation like subtle colour differentiation, customization options and animation tweaks, it would be very easy to tell them apart at a glance, the same way as it is between Kaldorei and Shaldorei.

And they have! I am nearly content with the current options, even as limited as they are. I even have TRP3 to change how my race is displayed to others. Literally the one thing that keeps me from playing the character I’ve wanted to play for years is Entropic Embrace. The moment it’s made into a toggle, I’ll be content enough to stop complaining.


Again: Many people play this game. The community managers do not care for the collective eight Anti High Elf players alone who roam these US forums, they take the international community into consideration in gauging the interest and desires.

Yes. Because they ignored the Silver Covenant request which is the reason for correcting the mistakes they have done.

Internationally speaking, the people do not care for the American Anti Helf- and Helf community. Both groups are seen as a lost cause who initially kickstarted the new interest in Alliance High Elf but that is it.

These topics are a very specific issue between two groups nobody cares about outside this bubble. The reasons for this “lack”, as you bring it up, are player numbers who represent them. This is why the feedback is taken internationally and not just here.

The other races get regularly new stuff, but the output is generally speaking slow which has been criticized several times by now. Have you already forgotten the HMT/NB/LFD-customzation? According your public profile you have none of these characters, so why don’t you try and enjoying them?

They cannot. As you have said before, they are avoiding the issue here when it comes to Dalaran and the Kirin Tor. Both of them are Alliance-leaning and they have no access to several transmogs to represent the inGame fantasy.

Sooner or later the Alliance will have access to pure High Elves.


Destroying a race and stealing from another and thus pissing off the players of those two races is “correcting” nothing.

Well this is just something random you pulled out of the Nether.

Why are you using “internationally” like this??? Like there’s country hosted WoW forums that Muricans’ don’t have access to or something? Just, what? Also weird you’re assuming the nationality of everyone associated with this. Is it an attempt to make your stance appear bulkier than it is?

I don’t think you know what “regularly” means, a lot of races have gotten new stuff since their inception, but none have gotten “constant” stuff or whatever definition you’re trying to use.


Dalaran has been the neutral hub faction for two expansions, Jaina tried to make them Alliance specific and that got overruled I’m pretty sure. Dalaran may have been Alliance specific before it was destroyed.

For the entirety of WoW it’s been a neutral place. Not something “stolen”.

Way to make yourself sound really really creepy.



No seriously, anyone else get the heebie jeebiee when someone demands a “pure” pale blond haired blue eyed race?


For shame. No right to play a void elf.


Don’t see the problem here. The High Elves have various settlement across Draenor, the Highlands and they are part of the Dalaran society. They inclusion makes actual sense.

Is it? Have you ever visited other places, if you’re able to read several languages?

It is what it is. Contrary to belief, America isn’t the only location the game has been released. Just go on the internet and read various topics in different languages.

This is why I mentioned several posts before that the developers can bring out low effort options for their elf player base. I think you are also aware of this which is why we can move one from this part.

Ah, this is my fault. You see, I went through your available character list and found not a single “ugly” race within it. Don’t you have any Tauren, Goblins or anything else which doesn’t have the usual human face? If not, how can you appreciate the actual hard work which went into giving these races more options?

I never wrote about this specific part you’re referring to and I agree with you here. My part still stands.

Kinda creepy for someone who’s profile is hidden. I don’t care about the argument, but that’s creepy.