Entropic Embrace Toggle

I just wish it looked like Aleria’s form which was just a negative filter. Should be super easy to render. Rather than ugly purple overcoat.

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I never said it bothered me :man_shrugging:

And neither are Void Elves with Entropic Embrace, hence why it is reasonable and thematic.


Didn’t the High Elves ‘evolve’ into the blood elves due to constant exposure to the Sunwell, like how the ancient trolls that invaded pre sundering Azeroth Mainland evolved into the night elves (and the high elves evolved from a set of night elves that went off wherever after the sundering)

could be wrong though but elf/troll genology is really problematic in the lore

blood elves and high elves are effectively the same race. Think of the difference as being a Stormwind human or a Kul tiran human.

not quite

high elves come from the same kingdom and culture

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And? If you trace it back long enough all humans were once from the same kingdom as well, Arathor.

At this point the high elves/blood elves have their own culture/traditions and effectively not the same kingdom. Some of them outright rejecting their old kingdom’s alliegance.

Why not both?

Be a nice choice to have I think.

so all high elves come from one kingdom they never spread out and built different kingdoms

if you trace back even further you learn that they are the freaky mutant and fleshy deformed children of the vrykuls that were sent off instead of being deep sixed lol

You don’t have high elf characters you have void elves and bloodelves

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Well they are spreading out right now and for all intents and purposes are part of different kingdoms.

I mean they already know about said history and if anything the humans are probably proud of their history. That they thieved while the Vrykul as a race kept losing.

Not true either, at least not the way you think:

Characters in Azeroth don’t think in terms of customization options or gameplay choices.

Alleria is a child of Quel’Thalas and a solider of the Alliance. She returned after 1000 years to find most of her surviving kin switched political affiliation. Didn’t change who she is.-Steve Danuser

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Night elf highborn evolved into high elves. Blood elves are high elves. Just a rebranding in honor of the fallen.

She is still a void elf.

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Apperently she doesn’t consider herself just a void elf. Or more precisely, they don’t think about it at all/not the way we do.

Doesn’t matter what she does or doesn’t consider herself as she is the literal definition of a void elf

And she can’t even visit quel’thalas anymore because you know voidy explodey is bad


Void elves are Blood Elves, Blood Elves are High Elves, Void Elves are High Elves.

That’s just objective fact.

She’s also a High Elf, just like all Void Elves.

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And we got Danuser’s take on it. She isn’t just a void elf. She does not consider herself just a void elf and for all intents and purposes kept her ties to her high elven heritage.

I mean, with some of the human /silly, is it really thriving or more ‘too derp to realize they are dead’ lol

The heritage she can’t go back to because she’s infused with void energy, because she’s a void elf