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We High Elf players have had High Elf pallys since TBC.


tbf while I agree some races probably don’t make sense as priests (goblins, Nightborne) none of the races that don’t have it yet really make sense not to have it.

Says who?




They will find a way to explain every possible route.
Light and Void? Void consumes Light! Voilá, Void Paladins.

I propose a new compromise:

Keep things as they are, but ban Blood Elves from Dalaran.

I will not be taking comments at this time.

Welcome to the pro vs anti party.

It was a poor idea IMO and it definitely seems the majority of the players feel that way. The issue is now that it has been laid out, Blizzard needs to see it through. They can slowly over time strip the void option from the Void Elves similar to how the fel was stripped from Blood Elves. It has not been very long however and they still have a while to go being ‘voidy’ before they should be somewhat cleansed and given options to show that.

This is an misconception, there is more to paladins then just a priest in plate armor.

They are infused with light magic and uses the light internally instead of externally for one.

They also have a strict code of conduct.

And all of their lore is strictly related to the light and only the light.

Calia was raised and CHOOSE to be undead against the lights will, she is a one off.

Alonsous feels great agony each time he uses the light.

The latter part is the only correct part of your example. But it is also a detriment to your example. Undead feels great agony from it, and while they can use it, can’t co-exist with it unless they are calia.

Void cannot consume light.


Who says they wouldn’t feel pain? I’m totally fine with Forsaken paladins being in constant agony. They could get a whole flagellant vibe.


I’m pretty sure they would commit seppuku or suicide themselves from the pure agony, or the fact they look at themselves as abominations.

Logic doesn’t matter because they will find a way or another. We’re talking about the WoW-team here.


If their writing team actually knows how to write, they won’t break a hard set rule of writing;

Don’t contradict the story universe.

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This sounds oddly familiar as someone used to say that hair color would break the story and lore of the void elves.


Why do you think the community has the stigma it has to those that cried for them to change it and a wave of people that quit because of it?

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You surely didn’t quit. So I guess that’s a false information.


Not false actually, I was asked to come back to make an UI for my girl actually. She didn’t want to play ff14.

But I do know several that did quit and left the game for good over that.

…Well, at the end of the day, you did come back whether if it’s your girlfriend or your family or pet that made you come back.

Quitting over hair color is still like 1-5% of the player base anyways.

People really quit because Shadowlands 9.0-9.1 was massive trainwreck and story about Sylvanas and Jailer did not make it nice at all.


I doubt it is just 1-5%, I think there is more then that, and not just hair color, but skin color too.

This is a different subject entirely.

People did not quit the game because of something you disagree’d with. This is entirely false information.

People didn’t quit the game over customizations for Void Elves. People quit because either they got bored of WoW, or they felt disappointed by the expansion, or they have real life issues to deal with.


Oho, so now it’s skin color too? :thinking: Man. Imagine millions of players unsubbing because of skin colors and hair colors being added for void elves to favor high elf player base.

Don’t assume everyone quitting a game over Void Elves getting pale skin and hair colors. You are giving High Elves fans too much credit. Which in a sense, you technically are. :joy:

Biggest complaint that main streamers and players had said “i am quitting” were all about 9.0-9.1’s poor handling of QOL contents and story. You can ask Pyromancer, Nobbel87 and Asmongold, and Madseason. They were there. They saw, they felt, and they quit.


Imagine taking what peoples feels like a joke, must make you an amazing person. /sarcasm

Don’t need to when they tell me directly that it’s the reason.

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