Entropic Embrace Toggle

You mean like a 100% uptime graphic? That would be dope, as long as it does not get a turn off button.

I think that was going to be the original idea for them too but blizz did not want to step on worgen toes at the time.

(Funny how they are chill about that now with dracthyr Visage forms)

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Just a point of clarification.
I believe that you should be able to toggle Entropic Embrace on/off; meaning the whole spell/buff should be optional.

If you want to use Entropic Embrace you have to accept that the void effect will occur.

If you don’t want the void effect you must turn Entropic Embrace off.

None of this halfway crap, it is all or nothing.


Those are still Trolls. Still the same Race.

Once again, Still the same race. They are Dwarves.

Cadazmir asked name any race that got customizations to be a completely different race.

It would not.

We already have enough super cringe perfect pure blonde hair blue eyed “high elves” in Silvermoon carrying on about their purity, passiveness, and sugary niceness. They get mad when they see my DNI and go so far as to whisper me to tell me just how much they aren’t like all the other girls when every single one of them is just like the other girls.

We certainly don’t need the eight alliance players left on WrA Alliance to bring more of the same trite nonsense. We’ve got enough of that already, thanks.

Speaking of RP, why do you care if EE goes off during combat?

Most RPers consider in game combat to be OOC anyhow so it doesn’t really matter. If for some reason it does matter, macro a cancelaura to all your buttons.

I wonder how you survive in RP without imagination.

You: I need entopic embrace turned off!

Me: Playing a male human in a hood and pretending it’s a High Elf since MoP. Playing Felblood Elves, playing High Arakkoa, without any visual because imagination.


Well there you go, then.

Because you are operating on very flawed logic?

Then you weren’t looking or only looking at the helf bubbles, plenty of people LIKED the eldritch tentacle elves. Me, I’m one of them. Yes, people DO IN FACT LIKE THE ELDRITCH TENTACLE ELVES.

Case in point, you aren’t listening to Void Elf players, just your circle raging Helf chamber.


I have never wanted to play a blood elf or a high elf in my life. It was the void aspect that hooked me totally.

Wasn’t vocal on the forums, but you bet I was one of those first to tag their embassy quest on server reset. Hell, I paid for a faction change just to get around doing the rep grind a second time. That’s how much I wanted them.

People can thrash and moan about how they didn’t get Helves, but they can’t pretend no one wanted or likes the Ren’dorei.



And yeah that’s what I’ve seen, you’re not seeing a lot of void elf chatter compared to Helf on these forums… because the majority of people happy with Velves are in game PLAYING their Tentacle Elf XD

People that are happy don’t complain or comment, that’s just how it ends up being unfortunately.


Play a different race then. If you want to be a High Elf then you need to play the Blood Elf race. Void Elves are infused with the void (imagine that) and just like Blood Elves had green eyes for a long time (story reason) Void Elves have some void-like effects. Down the road maybe Blizzard can ‘cleanse’ them to some degree with the story but for now they should not be able to toggle it.


They are a similar case to Orcs <> Mag’har Orcs but why should the High Elves be an exception? At this point it would make more sense to make Void Elves a neutral option for both factions and give the Alliance their High Elves.

Your own preferences put aside, it is clear that the Void Elf concept has failed on several levels. No other race is still caught up in such a controversy. Blizzard has gone the extra mile to backpaddle their initial idea and they will continue to do so.


Do you remember when blizzard said void elves were going to look like Alleria and have a “void mode” toggle effect similar to worgen two forms? pepperidge farms remembers.

Instead, we got a proc that gave us an ugly purple overlay effect that looks absolutely NOTHING like Alleria’s void form. It’s literally just your model tainted purple with no nuance no energy particles just looks like you’re made out of purple paint.


Making any existing single-faction race suddenly neutral has never made more sense than any other option the first dozen times someone suggested it, and it still doesn’t now. Absolutely no part of the Horde playerbase is asking for Horde-aligned void elves in a large capacity, mainly because they’re fine with their blood elves and would likely prefer not to be associated with the people who play the former race, and void elves suddenly being allowed to return to the Horde after all that’s happened between them and their kin would just be another moronic narrative 180.

Do both factions really need their own nearly identical versions of a single race and a third version shared between them that can look like both but also completely different? Is this something actually desired by the playerbase as a whole instead of a few dozen people who have devoted a part of their lives to this sort of thing?


Yes and No. If we reduce the situation pragmatically, then we come to following conclusion:

  • The Void Elves exists as a compromise due the developer’s idea in giving the Alliance something different while making the player model available to them.
  • The Void Elves have no actual on-going story or relevance before Legion and not even after, during Battle for Azeroth, a void-themed storyline. Unlike the Mag’har Orcs, who are in the exact same situation, they can justify the different looks despite being the Orcs being in the same clans due the long history.
  • The Void Elves have the same issue as the LFD: Their numbers are too small to justify their existence, a problem which arose by not giving the Alliance one of the established races (HMT, NB) which had complete zones devoted to them. But unlike the LFD, the Void Elves have no visible introduction cutscene which displays how new recruits bolster their ranks. It was only suggested that Blood- and High Elves join their ranks but never acknowledged.

No matter how you turn the situation, it is a lose-lose situation for the Alliance, especially when the developers had to explain their reasoning two times already. You cannot undo the damage anymore, it would be better to share the Void Elves with the Horde-players and contradict the establish lore because how often they backpaddled from their initial idea by now.

The interest is big enough so that even news outlets and streamers discussed this problem several times by now. Void Elves are a good idea and race but they were a misfire which should have happened after the Alliance got their requested High Elves race. All they have done now is going back on the idea and releasing low level quality customization options (“copypaste job”) because the community desires playable Alliance High Elves. And I’m sure the upcoming Void Elf options will end in a controversy because both groups will clash at each other again.

The best solution would to make a clean cut with the High Elves by making them available for both sides, including the Void Elves. Another possible idea would be to give the Horde light-forged Elves and having Alliance-Horde High Elves.

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Keep void elves to the alliance,
Give high elves to both factions.

How has it failed? They exist and are very popular. That’s a success right there. It’s not controversy, it’s just incessant whining. And they haven’t backpeddled anything. They’re still void elves, even if you pick the non-voidy hair and skin options. Those are a compromise. One that just so happens to fit nicely with what we had already seen in game - untransformed high elf and blood elf recruits studying the void in telogrus. They haven’t gone through the full transformation like the ones who were attacked by Durzaan, but they still enjoy the entropic embrace of the void.


Er…no? Ely Canon the Dev literally said these new customization options are meant to let us play out High Elves :skull: But whatever makes you feel good I guess!

I wonder how y’all are gonna cope when they move to their newly stated goal of giving all races all classes and there are Velf Paladins with Helf customization running around the Alliance. Will be fun to watch for sure lol.

Oh nvm you’re in denial denial :skull:

Measuring the success simply by player numbers isn’t equal to what people want and have rallying up to this point. We have proof for this through Blizzard’s recent actions taken to satisfy the hunger and everyone else can simply check this by opening official community manager statements and news.

This is what players do not want, especially Alliance-players. Being a compromise faction with compromise races. The analogy follows through the past expansions, culminating in a compromise faction system with a possible guild update in 10.2.5.

Do things right the first time around and we both wouldn’t even need to discuss this right now.

Again, according both fan groups this is no evidence, just a “hint” which never gets acknowledged. Even Danuser does not give you a straight answer. Can be, don’t has to be. It’s not clear and as long as it’s open for interpretation.

Don’t get me wrong, I see it the same way as you do. Two to three generations of Void Elves. But depending with bad faith actor you write on both sides, it’s either no argument or you’re just grasping for evidence - and I’ll go with that for now, so actual discussions can happen and the few Blizzard developers, who still reads these elves topics, can feel a bit awkward about the whole situation when they review these topics during meetings.

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No they didn’t :skull: They just implied that certain classes would have more content/story requirements to make accessible to all, which makes sense as Druids and Shamans will require unique art assets and Paladins may as well for racial mounts and maybe even spell effect colors

Y’all are on some copium today it’s wild to watch lol

The Devs have publically talked about multiple times how they know how popular High Elf requests are :skull: They also gave Velfs High Elf skin, eye, and hair options during the customization passes in SL that were focused on pleasing the playerbase…and made an entire announcement post for it on here lol bc they knew it would cause hype. I think that says enough lol…




These statements are mutually exclusive because Void Elves ARE Blood Elves, Blood Elf and Void Elf are names of factions, not species indications,

I’m sorry but you can’t have your cake and eat it too, if Blood Elves are High Elves after most of them got addicted to Fel Magic and got green eyes and redder skin, then Void Elves are High Elves even after most of them got touched by the Void and got Purple Eyes and Purple Skin.


Not bad faith at all. It just makes sense. When void elves first got added some of the questions people were asking were like, “How can void elves be a playable race when they were such a small initial group?”, and, “We see these high elves and blood elves in telogrus. Couldn’t we have standard elf options like them?” It answers both of those if we consider the non-void hair and skin options to be a representation of those later recruits.