Entropic Embrace Toggle

So it’s okay to look at OP’s post history, but not that goblin looking at someone else’s post history? :woman_shrugging:

It’s okay to look at anyone’s history~ If they’ve hid it it’s alright to get more old school and really dig if you think its worth the effort.

The only people who pretend that some rule exists about looking up history are they ones that don’t want you to notice their trolling.


They weren’t looking at my post history, they were going through my characters and weighing the overall “ugliness” of them. Lil bit different.

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What is there to be ugly about, when you are just wearing some beginner DK helmet.

Beats me shrugs

I agree, you should be able to toggle Entropic Embrace on/off.


I can’t speak to those, but fair enough. I can believe it given what these forums are like.

But the same goes for the anti-HElf crowd. Every time I try to engage in a civil manner, I’m met with incredibly vitriolic responses.


You got your fake high elves stop being greedy and trying to destroy another race I swear you high elfers just take, take and take more when you need to also give.

This is why so many players hate these players they always take and whine with no giving back.


Give, you say?

If Blizzard okays it, I will personally do all the work for them, free of charge.

Personally, I like the current, random, Entropic Embrace.

Goes to show that not even the “normal” Ren’dorei have full control over their Void powers, and sometimes in the heat of battle, their control slips.


What exactly do you mean by “Give?” It’s not up to people who are Pro Helf to request customization options people want for other races or even Void Options for Void Elves. That’s up to those people who want specific things to request them. People who want customizations for their favorite races should spend more time requesting those specific customizations rather than spending all their energy trying to deny customization to others.

Even with that said though, many of the “High Elf” customizations still bring stuff that fits Void Elves. In the “High Elf” pass, we got White & Black hair which many people like the Void theme wanted from the start.

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I imagine that many of them initially saw void elves as a booby prize given to the Alliance after people campaigned for high elves for over a decade, then they took the skin and hair color updates as giving them a blank check to ask for more options and additions to fulfill their ideal high elf fantasy (ergo, the opposite of Blizzard’s fantasy of them being props to the Alliance and foils to the blood elves) at the expense of void elf and blood elf fans. For the past few years, other than what the OP wants and the natural color options, I’ve regularly seen threads of people asking for:

  • Renaming void elves to high elves (erases the former entirely and isn’t something the majority of players want)
  • An option to toggle the name on their nameplate from “Void Elf” to “High Elf” (dilutes void elves’ identity)
  • An option to toggle the visuals on Entropic Embrace and Spatial Rift from void to arcane (also dilutes void elves’ identity and takes away from blood elves and nightborne, who are already the arcane elves)
  • Void elf paladins (only part of said idealized take on high elves; takes away from blood elves, completely contradicts the void theme, and if the suggestion involves reskinning the spell effects to purple, that’s unnecessary preferential treatment)
  • Denying blood elves of getting blue eye options or straight up taking them away after they were implemented (trying to gatekeep blood elf fans from something that they have more of a claim to)
  • Silvermoon returning to the Alliance, void elves being allowed to enter Silvermoon or set up a town somewhere in Eversong or the Ghostlands (forces void elves into their high elf vision and hurts blood elves and the Horde as a whole, who would get basically nothing in return)

I’m convinced that if Blizzard gave these people “real” high elves, made Silvermoon an Alliance or neutral city or added a new high elven capital, deleted blood elves and void elves from the game or heavily reduced their presence in the story, and put Vereesa and the Silver Covenant at the forefront of the Alliance in every expansion going forward, they’d still be demanding new hairstyles, high elven transmog, etc. because they would need something to complain about, then keep doing so even when other Alliance races are starving for attention. To paraphrase a certain memetic skeleton, they’re the type of people who won’t ever be happy.


Yeah, because while the pro’s were making there request over Natural Hair colours, the anti’s were too busy arguing against them, and trolling the High Elf community in the process, and then wonder why Blizzard listened to the Pro’s, and not the Anti’s.


Look. Blizzard gave void elves ONLY high elf options. Name any other race in existence that just got customization options to be a completely different race entirely. They had no void options. If that isn’t them throwing the whole void elf idea away I don’t know what it. Like come on. WHen Void Elves came out, there was no excitement, no thank you blizzard or anything. It was just people saying how bad they messed up on void elves and how they should have been high elves. Blizzard is just course correcting.

They don’t “throw it away”, they postpone the Void-customization because the majority of players want to play Alliance High Elves.

Well that didn’t hold up as a statement very long it seems.

To be clear you’re asking now to finesse access to Quel’thalas on an Alliance made VE?



Darkspear trolls got customizations of other troll tribes including dark trolls.

Bronzebeard dwarves gotten wildhammer customizations.


I need them to double down on why Velves can’t be anywhere near Quel’thalas.

Take it completely off the table for debate. If a velf breathes in the general direction of the Sunwell it trembles.

Back to the topic. No again to toggling off Entropic Embrace. Yes to making Entropic Embrace look like void form.


I said it would be interesting, not that I care.

I want Entropic embrace to have a cosmetic options that whenever I’m in combat it activates. it’s such a cool ability made even cooler by it’s interaction with void elves using the “human” skin tones.