Entropic Embrace Toggle

No. You’re a void elf. It says void elf under your name. You cannot ditch every aspect of it. You’re lucky you got as much as you did.


It works well for RP, if perhaps lacking a lot of visual options. At least it can be worked with and for that much I’m grateful.

But for those who like to RP and do combat, Entropic Embrace is very invasive. Making it a toggle takes nothing away from VElves.

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It’s a feature that benefits helf fans only. We already lost our customization repass to helf fans.


As long as a director gives a designer/engineer the go-ahead, it literally just takes a few minutes. I speak from experience as a game programmer; the resources necessary would be negligible.

If you feel you’ve lost out, it’s because they had this obsessive need to differentiate the added options from BElves. Thus new assets had to be made that resembled existing BElf options but were just a tiny bit different. If they’d just used the actual BElf options, more resources could go to VElf stuff.

They shouldn’t use belf options at all. We’re void elves. Elves filled with void. Pointy eared shadow creatures of a fantasy nature.

The hair, skin, and eye combos is all you should get.


Have read this before from various people and turned out to be incorrect.
“The skin color is all you get” - and yet they got several hair colorization, even more than the initially planned.

They will get more features. After all, they are the most played Alliance AR.

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No one is asking to “delete” void elves. They/We are asking for high elves however, if you want to remain void elves with all its visual good for you. I don’t and want the full blown high elves and be done with this.

Methinks the claims of “HElves want to delete VElves” is projection.

So… the thread asking to delete the visual of the velf racial is projecting on me projecting? :thinking:


Show me where it says delete.

If you want to be disingenuous and play semantics about how he didn’t use “delete”, that’s fair. It’s still just one of many threads asking to remove the void from the void elves.

Would I have cared if they truly did give velves more velf customization in the repass? Yes. What we got was nothing but removal of our racial identity for helf, even a toggle to remove tentacles in the hair while not offering tentacle versions of any of the new styles.

So, yes. I do see it as an ambition to delete them.


Just to put it bluntly eventually you’ll realize that the High Elfer types have tried and continue to try to ruin Void Elves completely due to the fact they just can’t accept that Horde already have High Elves as Blood Elves so the whole push to delete Void Elves or replace them will never stop, actually I genuinely believe those types of people would never stop even if they would have gotten a 100% carbon copy of Blood Elves in every way because they’d still be here asking for more and wanting more because they never stop.


It’s not semantics; deletion and the addition of new options are completely different ideas. Nothing is being removed.

Now if I were to follow in the tradition of these forums, I would tell you: “Stop being greedy, you already have void and tentacle options. Just use the existing stuff. Quit the game already, QQ more.”

But that’s not how I roll. I thought VElves were a bad idea, and the context made them seem like a slap in the face from the dev team. If it were any other race and context I’d be all over them as I love themes of the void and darkness.
But now that VElves are out and they have their fanbase, it would be counterproductive to remove them, and I’d rather just see new options added, like the OP suggested. This in no way removes void options from VElves.

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Why you never give in to demands of a customer throwing a tantrum in retail, you don’t “fix” anything, it’s a not a “just this one time” thing. You embolden them and let them know that their tantrum gets results so they have no reason not to keep doing it and keep getting what they want.


Yeeeeah I don’t think I can block their data from them on their site XD

Or you could just not do the creepy thing? I have no problem with people seeing what characters are mine, doesn’t make someone going through and judging them on being “ugly” or not and the percentage thereof not-creepy.


Waa waaa my racials are too good


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looks at HE threads over the years



Everyone can look at the OP’s post history, what else would you call his and other Helfers behaviour?