I love how you take credit for the smooth run, when it was all the healer. Thank them for having a smooth run, because they stuck around to carry your behind.
This right here is the entitlement I’m referring to, ladies and gentlemen. Behold, the entitled 2H “tank.”
I had a very painful RFD run where the main tank was some arms warrior swinging a WW axe. He was essentially a 4th DPS and didnt hold aggro very well. We spent the majority of the run with him charging into a pack of mobs, the healer heals him, they all immediately attack the healer, we all scramble to save the healer and the healer has to heal us all since we’re all pulling each mob off the healer. At low levels its annoying but not a HUGE deal, but that wont fly at max level unless the tank severely outgears the content.
You’re right. They are entitled. They are 100% entitled to play their class the way they want to. These dungeons are for babies. Let’s not pretend that shield warriors are the only way to get through them
Where’s your stats and number? Have you done any research?
Do you have anything to contribute to the conversation you’ve started, other than to make yourself look like you either haven’t looked at the data available, haven’t tried and compared for yourself, or simply don’t understand.
I’m not stating that that is the case, I’m stating that that’s how it appears. Please provide any sort of empirical evidence for your claims, or anything that would signal your qualifications to make any judgements, otherwise, at least in my opinion, your post seems like a troll post.
I think its more the experience of warriors joining groups as tanks, playing as DPS and doing a poor job tanking. While there are builds and strats out there for DW tanking we arent even talking about that. In most cases its just a lazy warrior who wants to DPS.
Lots of small brains here commenting on things they don’t understand.
This isn’t retail - ask yourself, what does a shield actually give a warrior? Answer is some armor and the ability to block.
Block values are generally quite low, if you aren’t protection spec then block is even less valuable to you. The main benefit is the armor gained, and even then that’s a small percentage of the overall armor from gear and will make a single digit percentage difference to physical damage taken.
Only the sweatiest of warriors will be protection spec before level 60, because it’s god awful for any kind solo content and frankly not that much better for levelling dungeons.
Here’s the kicker though, what you lose by going 1h/shield is HUGE amounts of rage and damage (and therefore threat). Any good arms warrior will out aggro a protection warrior even without using def stance purely by virtue of their exceptional damage potential. If you argue against this then you don’t understand how threat works and shouldn’t comment.
The only time a shield/1h should be used is when you absolutely cannot stay alive without it (usually because the healer is terrible), the loss of group damage and threat is not worth the 10-20% mitigation gained from using a shield.
Whats worse a tank that cannot hold/generate threat or one that 2h/DW?
Isn’t there happy medium of tanks knowing how to balance the two (threat/mitagation) working with the groups they are in and managing the smoothly most efficient run possible?
It depends on the situation. Usually you want to use a shield in dungeons. The exception is if someone with low armor is pulling aggro and you need the extra boost to keep aggro. It is ok if it’s just one out of a few mobs, but not a majority of them.
Well, that’s an interesting question. What’s the actual problem that people are complaining about?
If the 2h/DW tank is constantly dying, and thus wiping the instance (which would be a reasonable assumption, based on the outcry), then maybe there’s an issue.
If the issue is that DPS is pulling aggro, then the issue is DPS not managing threat properly.
as a healer, i much prefer dw fury tanks, way more deeps, we clear faster, with preBIS gear it is trivial to keep them alive, spam rank 2-3 heals, finish fight on 50% mana. Less downtime, less stuffing around, faster clears. Everyone wins.
They seem to work out fine in the groups I’ve ran with, and no one complained, healers included. Never any issues. That’s my experience. I guess if you don’t want a 2H tank, then don’t group with one? Who you choose to group with is entirely on you.