You’re not tanks. Y’all get the boot if you charge in without equipping a shield. Sign up as DPS if you’re playing your wanna-be rogue spec.
No worries. Anyone not willing to bring them probably isn’t worth grouping with, anyway.
alsong as the tank keeps agro and the healer is good why does the tank have to sword and board.
Because it still puts unnecessary stress on the healer if he’s not blocking anything
You’re just mad that pallies are always OOM.
If you’re a dual-wielding warrior or a 2H warrior, you’re not a tank. Just another poser who wanted to jip in line the other dps.
And what does it matter? Spoken like someone who never healed a single HP in their lives. “OMG HEAlre sucks, can’t HEAL when I’m takin massive crits!!%! Pssh.”
why dont you let the healer decide that lol. i mean it must be stressfull for healers to heal 4 dps, people do it though.
Warriors hold more threat while DPSing, it’s on the healer to adapt.
Rogues are worse then warrior DPS because energy bars don’t scale with gear / dmg taken.
If you’re upset that no one is CCing every mob and tanking one thing at a time, blame blizzard for intentionaly putting us on the burning crusade patch.
It is up to the healer, but I think most healers would agree that with mana pools the way they are, they’d rather have to heal less than more
Wrong. It’s on the warrior to choose to be either dps or a tank. Don’t put extra stress on your healers because you’re just selfish.
We all make choices when we put points in our talent trees. You’re either choosing to be DPS or a tank as a warrior. YOU’RE NOT BOTH.
When I spec Holy on my Paladin, I don’t sign up as DPS. This isn’t hard.
Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.
actually i played healers all the way through WOTL and quit wow in cata. this is my first warrior passed like lvl 20.
The future is now old man. You’re the one being entitled by shamelessly making a forum thread about this. Thinking you will make a dent in the meta at all with your words.
The “meta.” lol
Hey kid, I played in vanilla. We had bads then too that insisted fury/arms tanking was amazing. They were bads then, and they are bads now.
Imagine wanting to do a dungeon slower because you dont want to push heal buttons as much
I also played vanilla, along with nost, elysium and lightshope.
Maybe your social circle just doesn’t have good warriors in it.
Post on your classic character
Imagine thinking you’re a tank when you’re just a poser who can’t wait his turn as DPS.
Depends on what they’re doing and who’s in the group.
2h tanking normal pulls is fine, especially in low level instances where the damage is trivial.
Using a 2h when you have enough AoE DPS to take down an AoE group fast can be fine.
A 2h warrior pulling multiple groups when you have barely any AoE DPS and are ooming your healer every pull and just keep going even though your garbage multi-group pulls aren’t actually making things go faster since there’s not enough AoE damage in the group to justify what you’re doing is annoying. Especially when you’re using your own water and you have to stand up halfway through drinking because they’re already almost dead again.
Good warriors spec appropriately for the role they want to fill. Good warriors don’t expect everyone to carry their butt because they have to make up for the fact that the crappy warrior isn’t filling the appropriate role.
it depends on the group really. yeah if the warrior sucks id prefer him to sword and board. but if i have a 40+ warrior in SM i dont mind if he does a little more dps… you can use most tanking abilities with out shield.
Funny because people fury tanked naxx and aq. If its stressing ur mana. U prob just bad. Healed up to spires as shadow and never actually used a sword and shield tank. Wasnt taxing either.