Enough with the 2H Tanking!

If he has mana to spare he should absolutely be DPSing. Killing mobs faster is the entire point.

I’ll have you know that I have to tank with a 2h! Because us death knights are too stupid to pick up a shield!

Up to level 35 so far, every dungeon I’ve done as priest, I do wand spec, contribute a good amount of damage while keeping my mana near full, then try to use the most mana efficient heals and stay on top of things. Most of the best dungeon runs I did were where the tanks were using 2h because we all kill a lot faster thus mitigating more damage when enemies die and also because ww axe is op and the best tanks I had were doing like 150+ dps when the next highest in the group was like 80 and they still weren’t that hard to heal at all as a priest.

It’s not that we don’t need shields, it’s that our that is crap for a long time despite sunder, and you’re better off just hitting like a truck alongside your tank abilities

Endgame you should spec for tank and take a shield, until you meet the criteria for the dual wield fury tank then you decide if you wanna do that

I generally agree with you, i leveled as a PROT warrior in classic, mostly due to being completely naive.

Most tanks want to level / quest in the world in a damage spec, can you blame them? So when we’re running mid-game dungeons, we probably arent wealthy enough to respec each time. Bag space is also at a premium for non-twinked tanks. I’d rather not carry around an outdated shield and 1H weapon when I can use those two slots to barely eek out my living and pay repair bills and pay for abilities.

I think the above reasons are why we having a lot of 2H tanks. Arms warrior for leveling.

in another words will slow down your GoGoGoGoGo

If the healer can’t keep up. Use a shield.

If the healers like; lvl32 in SS, let the warrior use a 2H to tank. The damage output would increase making the run quicker!

A tank should be aware of his healers abilities and struggles.

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Coming from a healer I’m certainly not going to stand there scratching my butt doing nothing if my group is fine and healthy. I’m going to contribute as long as it doesn’t endanger the group and my mana. Just like stance dancing for warriors, healers dance with their mana when they know what they are doing. This is why those of us who understand healing on a priest pick talents that regen mana during combat. What you won’t see me doing is just burning mana to damage things. I do it conservatively and only when I know there is no danger.

I prefer to play my warrior with a shield because I like to use shield bash to interrupt casters, especially mobs that heal other mobs. Sure that may not be the best rage to threat conversion but honestly I find it more fun playing that way; it always makes me happy to interrupt a cast. As a priest main I’d rather go slow and avoid wipes but I don’t like … scold warriors for two-handed tanking. Honestly the bigger problem I have is dps classes dumping all their dmg as fast as they can. I’ve had way too many mages not using sheep, or spamming arcane explosion for no reason. That makes me way more annoyed than a warrior with a two-hander.

you can and should weapon swap/stance dance

hell since shield bash is off the GCD its a quick macro along with zerker pummel.

I dont think you understand the point of this

your not 2hnd tanking because “your bored” of shield tanking
your not 2hnd tanking because “tanking with shield is hard”

you are 2hnd tanking because it is litterally the most effecient way to do a dungeon. It wasn’t done enmasse in vanilla because people didnt know better like you are currently espousing, this is similar to people tanking 5 mans in +defense gear because it has +def meaning “it makes me tank gud”. dont do that its entirely useless for that level of content and you dont need BWL gear before dps tanking dungeons.

We are also taking advantage of vanilla/classics terrible class balance, thats why the priest/resto shaman/resto druid isnt dps healing they dont even do 20% of the "2hnd tanks’ dmg in this scenario the only class that can even keep up is Mage, its not the players fault for taking advantage of the design of biased developers back than (looking at you Tigole and Furor) but it is what it is.


Simply put don’t tank pugs and all these nay sayers in this thread become obsolete. They need you more than you need them as anyone can see by the threads begging for tanks.

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…What? Holy crap you people just make up stuff to be angry about.

Healers should be DPSing. Wand when you don’t need to be healing, or if you’re good on mana, toss out some casts. If you’re just standing there doing nothing while there’s nothing to heal, you’re dead weight and not contributing.

The fact you say things like “Go back to retail” shows you’re nothing but an ignorant tool. In all forms of WoW over the years, healers have always been encouraged to dps when healing wasn’t needed. But I guess you’re too busy being angry about a tank opting to dual wield or use a 2h weapon to do their job, then you are about doing yours correctly.

You’re a moron.


Problem is, a lot of duel wield tanks cannot hold aggro, nor are the geared properly to dual hand wield to begin with, so they are squishy. Then after blowing all mana on him, he loses aggro, then you have a third of a bar of mana and having to heal 4. I am sure there is people that can dual wield tank properly, the problem is there is too many that cannot. So not bothering to take the chance.

No if i group up with someone who can (which btw our guild tank did it fine) then i will add them to friends and group with them. But i am not pugging that with a stranger.

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Besides healing, I always DoT and debuff. And dps, but cannot help the group when i am blowing mana constantly on a duel wield tank.

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LoL priests are not the only one with high mana regen. But a healer can and should always help the group when possible. Hence, debuffs and dots.

dont need a shield for tanking. dont even need a tank. most of the time 3 mages sharing aggro on a pack kill it faster than doing the dungeon with tanks.

Healers can heal mages taking a bit of dmg just fine.

Mana is there to be used. Not for healer to be afk watching youtube getting carried.

More dps = faster runs

You do realize this is a discussion about classic right?

this is why my healer is still 21, I’m not triage healing DM with a 2h tank, you gotta pay me gold if you want me to deal with that frustration.

Lower levels it is fine, Mid levels you can get away with it as long as you have a swap macro for sword/board, go in grab some agro with pure damage swap when your hp starts to drop, swap back when damage is lite. High level please just use sword and board and swap to a 2 hander when you are taking little damage if you want.

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