Like honestly you have to be pretty insane to think 2h is worth using outside of sweeping strikes. I am not gonna give up 1/3rd (in my case its 40% with the tribrid talent build) of my defense table that procs the cheapest best threat per rage ability in the game called Revenge. The mitigation is a bonus. Having 10% parry block and 5% dodge essentially guarantees revenge is always up and you waiting on the cooldown instead of the proc.
Actually i can see the use case for 2H tanking.
Take Uldaman for example: mobs from 36 to 45 iirc. One of the tanks i was with (a war 44 i think) used 2H for the start of the dungeon and switched to shield toward the end of the instance when the mobs started to hit hard.
Holy sh*t, it took 8 days for a classic scrub to reply to that?
Yes. We called them “bads”.
A shield is typically near 30% of your total unbuffed AC value at nearly all levels after 30 or so.
AC is linear in regards to “Time to Live”, as opposed to EH calculations.
If your shield is 33% of your AC, then you received a 50% AC boost using one.
That means you will live 50% longer against physical attacks that don’t bypass armor.
The stunning lack of accurate information in this thread is disconcerting to say the least.
If people have no idea how AC works, what EH means, what time to live means, nor current itemization at various levels you probably shouldn’t be posting.
Elzorah has viable points with his post. Shield and defensive talents make a huge impact on damage taken.
If warriors are looking for more rage there are several options available that actually involve using a shield.
There are times when a 2 hander is effective in tanking in certain content, but diminishing the aggregate affects of AC in an attempt to support a false premise is ridiculous.
Go to bed little boy, the grown ups are talking.
Sounds to mee… someone doesn’t have the fingers to deal with it. Best buid i played yet. And i never had an issue.
Look at it this way.
If you use a shield, you use a 1-hander.
If you use a 1-hander, you get parry-hasted more because of the increased attack speed.
Therefore, you take more damage with a shield.
The problem is, alot of them don’t swap. I was in a ZF group where the 2h tank did not swap at all, and was taking massive damage and not keeping aggro. Just because some people can do it efficiently, does not mean the majority can. Most people are just idiots that see something on YT, or these forums, then get in the mix with no idea how to pull it off.
so you think you can slide on by by just standing there and throw heals while watching stranger things cos it’s classic?
Right. The people blasting through middling content in a fraction of the time with no issue are clearly the ones who are bad at the game.
You can only do your best to herd these sheep.
For me, 2h tanking as Arms with Sweeping Strikes is to burst threat on the opening of the pull. I’m closing in on 60, so I’ve long since switched to Fury/Prot with 0/31/15 so far. Nonetheless, switching to my shield during heavy mitigation points or after I’ve established a comfortable amount of threat is becoming reflex, since it’s necessary to minimize the risk.
From a person who has healed both shield and 2h tanking, both are actually fun. Shield is a lot easier to heal but i love 2h bigger pulls and faster clears. I think its a risk vs reward type thing.
I am currently leveling a tank and am going to try out both (but i like the shield playstyle better right now but i am going to give both a try.)
Also around SM, you stop every pull if you are running a cleave group cause of mages mana or warlocks mana, so 2h tanking that is fine since you will be stopping a lot anyway and its cleave.
we are playing private server classic wow not vanilla wow.2hd tanking was a big thing on private servers.
Read what I said, though. I didn’t say it was only 10% of your armor, I said it was lucky to offer 10% mitigation, i.e. damage reduction.
That sounds nice until you realize the numbers you’re dealing with. Your TtL is in the seconds. A 50% increase is is not that significant an increase in your survivability.
It also doesn’t account for the lowered ability to hold aggro, the rage generated from taking damage being reduced, and the overall DPS being lower, thus increasing the time the mobs are alive and hitting you.
Yes, and you very quickly reach a point in Classic where damage taken is not a concern. The faster you kill the mobs, the less damage you take, anyway.
Options that are, obviously, still lower rage than just using a 2h. Options that are, generally, not something Warriors are considering while leveling.
Then he just sucked. Simple as that.
He’s not going to magically hold aggro by wearing a shield.
lol mad cuz bad.
I had a lvl 30 priest healing me np 2 hand tanking SM-Armory 5-7 mobs per pull.
I do carry a shield/sword in my bags and switch when I get to about 50% life, but why go traditional if its going to add 15 extra minutes onto the run. you could run the dungeon twice as fast.
and for the record I like traditional tanking, but too many times I join a dungeon and the group is yelling that I don’t pull fast enough or what have you. I have a much easier time keeping mobs on me and not running around while I have my 2 hander on. Which really in turns makes less healing for you cuz you arnt spamming heals on the rest of the group.
That’s generalized tripe in regards to the OP.
50% greater time to live is +50%! To say that is insignificant in regards to a tank profile or in relation to healer mana is self fulfilling nonsense.
DPS is a more is better situation. Healing capability is not a sliding scale…its a threshold.
If the OP is having issues healing a tank, when talented, geared, and spec’d to do it at the the appropriate level then the tank is choosing the wrong tools for the job at the wrong time.
Yes they choose them during leveling, also end game as well.
Swapping in leather or mail dps pieces while still using a shield is quite effective. Many are doing it currently, and it has been done since game inception, ie full DPS set with a Sword/Board.
Shields are an appreciable aspect of a Warriors tank profile, in terms of DR, threat generation and abilities.
Read the OP! damage taken WAS a concern.
Tanking with a 2 Hander WAS causing an issue.
A Warrior is 1 person in a group, and NOT the person brought to DPS as a primary function. You tank first, if you can add more damage fine, but your first role is to tank. He was failing at tanking and it was an issue
There are other ways to generating rage without making the immediate leap to using a 2 Hander.
again other than an Ogre run of DM or tribute w/e you want to call it.
there is no 5 man dungeon that requires a shield, and just so were clear we should all be aware of classics class imbalance.
there is only 1 class MAGE that can keep with a fury/2hnd War tank no warrior should be losing threat if hes 2hnd/dw tanking with half a brain.
No Warlock,No Priest,No Shaman,No Hunter,No Rogue, No Druid, No Paladin should be doing 50% of your dmg. if your not doing atleast 40%+ of the groups dmg your doing it wrong, this is not a slight at the other classes its just a matter of classic class balance fact.
The question wasn’t threat. The question was survival and healing viability.
Losing 1/3 of your AC.
Losing 10% AC from talents.
Losing 6.2 pure avoidance from talents.
Losing Block against multiple opponents.
Your talking about losing over 40% of a Warrior’s tanking profile on a multi elite mob pull.
Elzorah was quite clear in the original post, which most don’t seem to want to read…Healing WAS an issue.
2 handed tanking is viable…but EXCLUSIVE 2 handed tanking rarely is unless the content is completely trivial. And in this case, due to the healing required, while using a 2 hander exclusively, the content was no longer trivial.
Entering an instance, in a dps spec, and pulling 5 to 7 elites with no shield, and taxing your healer that hard is stupid plain and simple.
Moreover the entire lack of rage argument is complete BS is the tanks HP’s were dropping that hard and fast on pulls. Because if it was then the pull was large enough to supply plenty of rage to use with a shield.
Additionally having your healer drinking after every pull is much slow then losing at most 10 to 15% of a groups DPS total aggregate value and not drinking for 30s after every pull.
What works at lower levels doesn’t work later on. Not knowing when to swap to Sword/Board to a 2 Hander and back again is a serious tanking failing when your healer is having issues.
Tanking isn’t just Tank VS. Mob…its Tank + Healer VS. Mob.
If as a tank you can’t keep and eye on your healer and determine a balance between threat and survival then your a horrid tank.
Oh no a mob swings at you for 300 damage, your innate armor at abput 30% as a lowball makes that like 210 damage, thats like 2 rage at 60. Lets put a shield on and say 40%. Thats like 180 damage… thats still 2 rage. Oh but you got 1 extra rage for 3 rage because you took shield spec. And you have a revenge proc for significant threat because you didnt cut 33% of your defense table out!