Quit your whining and use your damn mana pool.
You don’t need tanks for dungeons, nothing hurts. Most of the time mages are tanking the trash anyways and the warrior is just getting carried.
Quit your whining and use your damn mana pool.
You don’t need tanks for dungeons, nothing hurts. Most of the time mages are tanking the trash anyways and the warrior is just getting carried.
BTW folks, this attitude right here is why you can’t find tanks. “You don’t need tanks” is also what led to retail having people who never learn how to play their role while leveling, only to end up in heroic or M+ dungeons later and not know what to do. You can blame attitudes like this for teaching them you don’t need it, so you don’t have to learn it.
Never. It’s a complete waste of a global.
Something something vanilla was never hard we were all just stupid with failing memories bla bla
Lol no dude
I have. I think a big issue here is there’s a difference between doing something all the time and having people aware it’s an option. Same like anything else. You may not need CC in a dungeon, but having it and knowing to use it doesn’t hurt anyone, and can help on bad pulls. Same like being able to have a Hunter/Warlock pet temporarily offtank a mob if there you need to. Is it needed? Probably not. But know about it just in case it ever comes up.
Knowledge is power.
https:// classic.warcraftlogs. com/zone/rankings/1000
Liar lol, they are not. only a couple bosses in mc that have no armor and tons of cleave adds. rag is all mages, and ony is rogues. Warrs are gonna keep getting worse and worse as everone else get’s geared and they have to dps in a tank set, or keep all them dungeon blues.
I think I can see the valid points of a DW fury warrior tanking. Still not convinced with the 2h warrior tank, I think that 2h warrior tank is more or less something people just tank as because they just like using a 2her. And there is actually a fury/prot build for endgame tanks.
I have zero experience with private servers. Haven’t bothered much with current guides either. I don’t know who is writing them or their experience with the content. Class discord is usually a decent well of knowledge at this point in time. Folks there tend to enjoy min-max theorycrafting a lot.
About half the dungeons i heal have a tank with a 2h wep, as long as they hold ago i dont care all that much.
i too am tired of these 2 handed tanks. Every single warrior is like ‘’ can i two hand tank?’’ when you post looking for a tank. No dude you cannot, put on a damn shield and use shield slam and sunder armor and keep threat, your job is not to do damage…
Based on my observations in this thread, i think a lot of these pro 2h tank people who argue rage generation don’t know how to properly manage their rage in a dungeon. You don’t need to generate maximum threat all the time, just enough to keep tje mobs on you.
Another point that needs to be addressed is people saying healers just need to use more of their mana pool. Do you people know how expensive buying water can get? If you have a mage in group, sure go nuts, otherwise take your healer’s wallet into consideration.
This is not hard to understand: if you can hold aggro without burdening your healer with a two-handed weapon, the dps gains alone justify it (especially when we’re talking 40% or more of total group dps).
No one is requiring you to play this way, but the puritanical “I think tanks should wear a shield in dungeons, so all of them should have to” nonsense is absurd. Find people you enjoy playing with and play with them.
I dont think you understand rage scaling and Warriors in Vanilla.
Casters started off stronger since there base spells did better than melee, as the vanilla went on rogues outpaced mages and as you entered BWL Warriors than outpaced rogues, by Naxx you had the single mage doing top DPS because his combustion was being fed by an Army of Mages, after that is was warriors and rogues.
so no the gap doesnt shrink in fact it will only increase as fights are killed several orders of magnitude faster than they were back than because again “we know better so we do better”.Its why all you see is Warrior and Mage cleave groups while lvling, why MC is starting to be dominated by 12-18 Warrior DPS Runs and why competent people are succesfully 2hd tanking without an issue.
and again the only gp existed for MC-> BWL for Casters vs Warrior we are effectively elminatiing the Gap in MC and by BWL the Naxx dominance of Warriors will be in full swing 2 raids ahead of schedule.
ill remember you just so i can see you posting in a few months “release TBC” because warriors have ruined Classic.
Reading this thread got me wondering if perhaps priests just have a tougher time due to the way their mana works. Whereas maybe shaman with WF and paladins with their illumination and divine favor can handle it easier.
Paladins have the easiest time of it because of Illumination Priest are not far behind if at all if they know how to dance in that 5 second window, its actually shaman and Druid who lack healing throughput and regen in this regard.
If you want to be sure to get a tank, invite a druid and avoid all this drama.
2h warrior that join your group to “tank” are not the people who actually want to tank (stop lying to yourself).
They want to be dps that hold most aggro and have a spot in your group.
Warriors have plenty of tools to hold aggro, there is no need to carry a bit more dps from the 2h, this point could only be valid if you struggle in the very early levels.
2h vs shield usually means,
smoother and faster runs with shield due to saving ~80% of healers mana vs
!Slighlty! faster single group kills with 2h but 30+sec reggen if heal goes oom.
If you have no experience healing 2h and shield in classic for 35+ instances then you probably won’t notice. Good healers will not complain to the group or tank but they will get burned out fast.
My Classic Shaman is spec’d and geared for Resto and I was unable to keep a 2H Warrior up in a melee cleave group. He was doing great damage, but he would go to 20-30% health within a few seconds on every pull. It was so bad that I apologized and left group.
Hey I tank with a 2H on my druid all the time, whats the problem?
Late to the thread, but…
I sword and board instances almost exclusively, with some DW tanking thrown in on easy pulls for greater rage generation, so I’m someone who doesn’t use a 2H at all unless it’s open world questing/grinding/farming. I’m a prot specced warrior who happens to have a holy specced priest for a wife. That being said, a lot of the people here complaining about tanks using a 2 hander dont seem to understand warrior’s abilities, resources, and issues very well at all. They also don’t seem to understand shields well at all. Equipping my shield improves my mitigation from armor by about 9%. With a 10% block rate, if you are blocking 15% of the incoming damage per block, that’s a further 1.5% reduction in damage beyond the ~10% difference in mitigation. A ~10% reduction in damage taken really only matters on those few encounters where the tank can just barely survive with a shield but can’t without and is able to maintain aggro while using a shield. In other words, boss fights in a relatively narrow gear/level range. It will let you tank that boss a couple of levels earlier. That difference is good enough for to me choose sword and board (and protection tree) but most warriors don’t have a healer at their beck and call and most warriors aren’t completely indifferent to the rate at which they level. I also don’t have sweeping strikes, improved cleave, or 2 hander specialization.
Shield slam is only available to warriors who have 31 points in the protection tree, which is only going to be level 60 warriors who are their guild’s main tank. Shield bash is NOT the same thing and creates very, very little threat. Just about ANY other expenditure of rage will create more threat than sheild bash.
A shield is not required for defensive stance, which automatically lowers damage taken by 10% and increases threat.
The single biggest issue for most warriors is generating enough rage to do their job of maintaining aggro. There are 2 main ways of generating rage: taking damage and dealing damage. Using a 2 hander instead of 1hander and shield increases rage generation both ways (especially with the ~40-50% improvement in damage output), which allows more shouts, more sunders, more threat to be generated. As an aside for the mage complaining that warriors using 2 handers aren’t holding aggro enough, I would suggest you might be the problem - a sword and board warrior will be able to mitigate physical damage better but he is NOT going to be holding aggro better all other things being equal. Period. In fact his threat generation will be worse.
There is substantial synergy between big, slow 2 handers with high single swing damage and abilities like overpower and whirlwind, which increases damage ouput, which increases threat generation, which further increases both damage output and threat generation. If a warrior is generating enough rage, he can throw out a thunderclap which reduces the attack speed of up to 4 mobs by 10%. Defensive stance is a 10% damage reduction for the warrior alone, thunderclap is a 10% physical damage reduction for anyone getting attacked by those mobs affected by thunderclap. Too bad thunderclap isn’t very good threat.
The only real benefit provided by a shield is a slight (but non-trivial) improvement in survivability on those handful of fights where the ability of the tank to survive burst damage is questionable and/or the healer is just one heal short of the tank surviving the fight.
TLDR: 2 handed tanking is perfectly viable and in some cases is superior to sword and board.
It’s not about “needing” a shield bro. It’s that if you’re tanking with a shield while specced for DPS you’re going to have zero rage and not be able to do anything. It’s not a case of wanting to tank with a 2 hander, it’s a necessity.