Shield doesn’t have the impact on mitigation people seem to think. Regardless, it’s like comparing a 3 dps group to a 5 dps group when that Arms build comes alive: things should be dying fast enough to laughably outpace the gains a shield provides.
Top 10 as in the top 10 parses across the board not top 10 within their own group.
Or do you not know how logs work?
Yet the people defending 2h tanking are saying shields prevent rage gain… then they turn around and say shield doesn’t offer much mitigation… which is it? If the mitigation is too much that they can’t get rage that means the mitigation is good… stay consistent.
No one is arguing that. You advertise that you want a PROT warrior, or a warrior with a shield. Problem solved, stop trying to force you’re mentality on other people of a class you do not play.
LFM Tank! Must be Prot, or With Sword and Board TY
^ you can copy paste that when you’re looking for a tank. See how easy that was? LOL
The rage gains from 2h are noteworthy, especially if you’ve got a wf totem.
People are saying that you gain more rage from getting hit better when you don’t have a shield and then turn around and say shield doesn’t offer enough protection anyway. That contradicts each other.
There is a little of that too, but things should be dying fast enough not to burden your healer. If that’s not the case, there are probably some underlying causes beyond 2h vs. shield.
Mostly boils down to playstyle preference in the end. If your group is willing and comfortable with a heavy hitter approach, do that. If not, go slow and steady with CC assignments and a shield tank.
That has also been my experience. I only had one tank use a shield and switch between battle stance and defensive stance, that was the smoothest run I have had in classic. It didn’t take longer than my other runs either, I’m not sure what these kids are talking about.
People’s anecdotes about such and such a 2h tank in blah blah instance lolit’sfine are useless and irrelevant.
2h tanks are fine in certain circumstances. When you have a 2h tank that wants to “cleave” in a party where that’s not ideal will end up pulling a lot of mobs, take an enormous amount of damage in a party where they aren’t dying as fast as you’d want or expect in a proper cleave group.
Also, shaman saying their melee cleave groups are fine = /facepalm. Yeah, your all melee cleave group with WF totem probably is perfectly fine. But that priest in that group with a 1-2 warriors and random DPS isn’t a cleave group and that priest is going to be chaining max rank heals to keep the warrior that wanted to cleave in a group that’s not stacked for that purpose alive since he’ll be getting murdered.
Sometimes even that still works out fine, but it’s obnoxious and they tend to want to constantly go while you have to drink from OOM after every pull. Spell cleave groups tend to have to drink after every pull anyway, but at least everyone in the group is doing it.
You are a idiot? lol. i will be posting on RETAIL forums if that was the case
Im tanking on CLASSIC-WOW with the build i said above.
I play healer. If someone knows what they are doing 2h tanking then it doesn’t matter. If they don’t? It’s a minor inconvenience unless they are either under leveled or way under geared…unless we are talking absolutely 0 idea how to tank levels of skill, then no amount of shields will save you.
Not too big of a deal if you ask me, until you start reaching upper level dungeons but by then it’s expected that you’ll need some degree of optimization.
Just had another group where the healer had to ask what was the deal. This time it was 2 warriors at the same time DPSing tanking like rogues. They blamed it on the over leveled warlock in the group but Im also a warlock of the appropriate level and that warlock was just kinda dpsing sort of probably on the phone. Phoning it in as they say. The tanks were completely unapologetic and in denial and one was repeatably dieing to trash. They said its never been a problem before. I spoke up and referenced this thread. I’m not mad but I’m still multidotting and not staying single target either. You do you mister DPS warrior tank. Hope you have another healer on speed dial.
Maybe I am remembering wrong but 2hd tanking, outside the first couple of early dungeons, was not done unless your group was near/at max level or really coordinated (ie guild group). At the very least either tank or heals was max level or higher. In a pug, it was not the common thing to do. Of course this is based on my own experiences in Vanilla, but its also what I read in guides. So I would have to agree its just going to piss off heals outside of the conditions above.
again a big reason for this is that for years a certain mentality and mindset was continually pushed about how vanilla was and about the old school values and play style that you needed to do. Now all of a sudden with classic it’s oh we’ve learned in 15 years except this stuff never came up until about a month ago. all of the private server guides and discussion never once mentioned anything like what we are seeing today so this had to come from somewhere didn’t it?
it’s not so much wrong as trying to push a different mindset after years of conditioning that such a mindset did not exist and could not exist. So you are seeing a backlash because so many people AR wanting to bring everything back to the way it was including the way you play while there’s another group of people who are trying to adapt a completely different way of doing it with the caveat that they can get away with doing it without any problems therefore they should be allowed to do it.
That applies to cleave group and mage stacking, but 2hander warriors in dungeon content was part of the original 1.x era.
Just got done with a ZF run where the tank was a war with ravager and as a warlock I ended up pulling aggro off him with corruption and tanked the entire dungeon myself. I also did x3 his damage. Every time that stupid axe procced I just laughed and said, “look at that idiot” to myself. We would’ve been better off kicking him and finding another dps.
2h tanking has NO place in this game.
No thanks.
Created by hardcore P-server players…saw a few guides prior to Classic encouraging it. Of course they were in Naxx gear 2H tanking Dire Maul…lol.
But yes, I’m ok with healing a 2H tank if they ask first, or if they’re high enough level, but when they go to half health in 2 seconds? Um…yeah don’t do that.
Shields do mitigate a good amount of damage, just not enough to matter in low level dungeons. This, combined with you doing less damage, means you’re often rage-starved.
Why does literally nothing say it then? At least no existing information or any private server information. The only things I can find mention like dual wield fury tanking when you’re geared to the teeth but if this is true it seems to have never been mentioned in all the years until now.
Tanking in arms spec, yes. But literally every guide and post I’ve seen for like private servers have never made mention to this at all. I think that’s where this disconnect is. You have people saying it worked this way, but nothing mentions it. Even guides from around 2006ish always say you don’t need to spec Prot but carry a 1H+Shield in your bags for tanking dungeons. Reddit posts from private servers, forum posts from private servers, etc. all say the same thing. This is literally the first I’ve ever read that you can 2H tank dungeons.
So either this is something that just came up, or it was some sort of closely guarded secret that disappeared in 2004 and wasn’t discovered again for 15 years. I’m not saying you’re wrong, mind you, but this has never been stated anywhere until recently that I can find.