Enough with the 2H Tanking!

Mages are not going to out dps warriors while leveling unless the warrior has a bad 2h or it’s a massive aoe pull (in which case you probably shouldn’t even have a warrior tank in the first place)

4-5 mobs or under and mages just do less dps than 2h warrior while leveling.

Get water off the mage and drink it, healboy.

I had some idiot level 52 warrior trying to tank ZF yesterday. I was healing as a paladin (leveling spec ofc) and we were pulling through without any wipes, but my mama would deplete in every fight costing me a ton of water(money). Then when a plate belly with str/stam dropped and I won the need roll he cried and ran out of the dungeon and left the group “Find another tank!”

We found a much lower level (44) with a shield and healing for much easier.

It’s almost like blocking attacks helps when you have multiple mobs attacking you at a time.

Some of these idiots are so entitled and seem to think they have priority on everything just because they’re a tank.

I respecced to a holy reckoning build and can now tank or heal, so no more cancer tanks for me :slight_smile:

what? are you telling me warr had better aoe than mage now lol. Not in my experience sorry i roll damage gear not int and im always pulling threat.

Sorry boss, 2H tanking if the only thing i know how to do. Or more accurately, 2paw maul and swipe tanking.

<3 Druid

There’s aoe and then there’s cleave. A warrior will do more damage with SS + whirlwind in cleave fights (3-4 mobs), a mage will do more damage when they can get full value out of big aoe like blizzard/arcane explosion.

Beyond 3-4 mobs the warrior falls off because that’s the most number of targets they can hit at one time with whirlwind.

Warrior definitely has better AoE if it’s only 3-4 targets while leveling, 5 it’s pretty even and past that mages can pull massively ahead.

But if you’re pulling more mobs than that, no warrior can hold aggro anyways especially if prot.

You have not ever tanked or even played warrior and have proven in multiple posts you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about. Warriors tank in raids without even being prot specced. At this point I’d say most people under level 45 probably don’t give a damn what the tank does as long as he holds aggro (which is easier with a 2h). Above level 45, when it starts to actually matter more, maybe. But you’re kinda lookin like you’re outnumbered here.

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lol my fury warrior did TONS of single target dps in vanilla. Also pulled tons of aggro too lol. My guild kindly asked me to respec to prot :frowning:

dude cleave and ww does’nt beat 75% chance to crit arcane explosion spams in any universe.

I’m sure your lvl 32 mage is totally rocking the DPS charts

Mathematically speaking, a warrior with sweeping strikes + whirlwind will out dps an evenly geared mage on a 3-4 target fight. That is not an opinion, that is a fact.

I wouldn’t realy call 3-4 targets “aoe” though, that’s cleave.

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Facts don’t work here.

Yeah gl drinking between every 4 mobs while the warrior just moves onto the next pack because everyone but the mage is full mana still.

Mage aoeing on that few mobs is a waste of time.

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This post is so useless but for the heck of it I’ll play along. 2h tanking is fine and any healer or group that has a problem with it is trolling harder than OP is. Any healer worth having in your group will have 0 problems keeping everyone alive unless your group is literally trying to make it difficult on purpose. All dungeons are a laughable until about 50 and tbh even post 50 its still a joke unless you’re new to the game. TLDR, any problems anyone has with 2h tanking are just uneducated personal opinions and you should spend more time trying to learning to play better because you’re obviously just inexperienced.


not 32, 50 played all day the last 2 days. You moving on when people are oom is the problem we are oom because you take huge damage and can’t hold aggro so we need to kite all day.

I played a warrior in vanilla, I was a fury warrior at that, I used a shield when I had to tank because it helped more when I did that vs without. so yea, I personally do feel it is better to play that way, just like you personally feel its not, which means my feeling has as much bearing as yours does.

Why should they not move on if they can kill the next 4 mobs before you even drink to full mana since you blew it all spamming arcane explosion on 3 dudes?

This guy is a lost cause 100%, pray you don’t end up in a group with this lvl 32 mage. See you guys on the battlefield. For the alliance!

A shield actually lowers their upfront threat significantly (unless they’re not competent at the class in general). If you’re going ham on AoE off pull, you’re the problem in that anecdote.

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