Just wait tank to pull and don’t heal them. Seriously, if you’re a tank and try to make it harder for a healer, don’t tank. I was healing a dungeon the other day and the tank kept pulling while I was OOM so I asked him to slow down some because I’m not able to keep up. He told me no. So I said okay and used my hearthstone. I’m not going to get a bad rep as a healer because he wouldn’t work as a team. Healing is already a thankless job. I’ll find a tank that wants to work together.
I just want to point out that most tanks with a two-hander will DIE if they aren’t constantly healed.
There’s no time for the five second rule if you’re facing a wipe. Also sniping the “killing blow” while a rogue and feral druid are going ham is laughable. Good luck asking them them to stop dps so you can wand the target down a little before the next pull.
Very true. It’s still ideal but sometimes happens.
Sometimes true and that goes back to telling the tank he’s squishy. It really is a balancing act that may don’t wish to undertake. It’s easier to scream about optimum builds and how others are successful with a particular build or rotation.
If you’re fury and rolling around with a 2h lfg as dps you’re obv not a tank. At 60 you will have a quick realization that arcane mages never oom and you will need to spec prot if you want to hold threat, so start doing dungeons as dps this wont fly much longer.
Are you in the right thread?
You also take significantly more damage using 2H.
What part of that don’t you understand?
You’re not there to be DPS.
That’s not even true.
Shield doesn’t make that big of a difference, especially at lower levels.
You can 2H tank perfectly fine until the late dungeons/raid.
People saying otherwise are just terrible
at the game.
I will gladly heal a 2H Warrior tank any day. Lower level dungeons do very little damage, and as long as they’re using Defensive Stance then they have no mitigation issues. I hardly ever run low on mana, and can easily drink between pulls. Worst case scenario I’ll have to pop a mana pot or Innervate.
Best bet is if you don’t like a 2hd tank go sit in the line LF tank for your group and complain there are not enough tanks. DPS in PUGS is the reason there are no tanks that want to run pugs. If you find 1 you’re lucky.
As a healer, I’d rather sip 10 more times throughout a dungeon and clear it faster while having that sense of danger. As opposed to afking the content slower and nodding off.
Are you just asking rando warriors to tank and when they show up…gasp…they are usually DPS and sold their shields off long, long ago?
I ran 2 runs of ZF last night doing 90% of the runs 2h. I also did more damage than any of our dps and made sure that the healer could handle it, he was a druid lvl 43/44. A good tank knows when to put on a shield or when it’s safe to use a 2h and wreck faces. Especially if the tank gets windfury you can tear thru packs like nobodies business often doing twice the damage of the next highest dps.
No, you don’t. The damage difference is hardly noticable.
You don’t need to be Prot to tank. You absolutely should use a shield and be in Def stance.
Where is this misinformation being peddled from?? It seems to be all of a sudden there’s a lot of bad advice and “Meta” crap being thrown around that was nonexistent before.
Sounds like you are lazy… If you succeeded with a 2h warrior tanking (probably aoe with good clear speeds) then it sounds like that warrior knew he could tank without a shield and you are complaining for nothing
Im really tired of this mentality. It’s what led to garbage like heirloomed people not needing or waiting for a tank in retail. Teach people how to correctly play so they learn early
I have been with warrior 2h tanks in high level instances several times. They do just fine, and the healer isn’t drinking anymore often than with tanks with shields. I have even seen tanks ask the healer if they should go sword and board, and so far I haven’t seen one tell them to do it.
If the dungeon gets cleared with no problems, I don’t see the problem.
I spammed Armory around 20 times over the week with my 2h weapon with 0 issues (granted, I make sure I have a WF shaman and other AOE with good DPS in the group that I make myself and will swap to my shield if we overpull and I need shield block, but most runs have gone smooth and most packs die before I needed any heals at all. I am level 42 and started this at level 40. (AND RAVAGER STILL REFUSES TO DROP FOR ME!).
Lol “teach people to play correctly”
Your “correctly” isnt what everyone elses is. Correct is a relative term, and in the case of dungeons its whatever works for the group. And in my experience of only running with 2h tanks, its working just fine. Ive even healed in enhance spec, and I would have to say, if people think its harder to heal, than you arent managing your healing ranks or mana well at all, so maybe learn how to do that