I don’t think he knows you can use a 2H in defensive stance
you can’t shield slam, and without that nukey dps are gonna be peeling bosses right off of you. Like they do. Everyone only warriors arent saying stop, only you 3 the hold outs are like WaRrIoR Is Dk!
Can’t use shield slam if you’re not Prot, bad argument.
Shield slam is a PROT TALENT.
If you meant SHIELD BASH then you are sadly mistaken because SHIELD BASH is not used to generate threat, ever.
Don’t heal #1 immediately, 2h warrior tanks have massively more AoE threat in leveling dungeons than 1h + shield
Sweeping strikes + whirlwind and the warrior will already have done massively more damage than others that it’s easy to hold aggro pre 50s.
As long as the warrior switches to defensive stance after, they won’t really take much dmg either.
Funny you said that actually! I mained BDK in wrath, you can even check him out in the armory! Lvl 80 DK named Erodras. It plays nothing alike, get out of here with that.
lol you don’t do more than a mage in crit spec don’t kid yourself please just keep us alive, or better yet lfg as dps.
Alright guys this man is obviously a troll at this point so, next argument please.
I knew this was a troll post from the start. I give the OP 10/10 since so many people bit in such a short amount of time.
True, he’s a big yikes. Hopefully he’s on Kromcrush so I can kill him.
I’ve 2h tanked at least 20-30 dungeons while leveling so far and did highest DPS in every single group with 0 complaints about it.
The 60 mage in your group is obviously aoe farm specc’d that’s why he’s 60, there is no umph behind that it’s all slows and armor. That’s you getting highest dps, here’s me with tailoring almost max 400 sp at 50 critting for 1.2k with my frost bolts doing 40% of the dps saying hold your damn threat boy.
Here’s your choice, have dps wait 4-10 seconds while a shield wearing warrior builds rage and aggro, healing all that damage, or let a 2h tank smack the mobs so the dps can start in immediately dramatically reducing the incoming damage over the duration of the fight. At least till 30+
Don’t you want us to produce more threat? 2H does that, it’s not argument, it’s a fact.
not st obviously need that prot spec or go dps end of story, people who are specced for dungeonsa re saying stop noob. Rule if you are doing 60 dungeons and others are specced for raid spec for raids. Warrior obv doesn’t do the most dps look at the ranks way way below mage and lock.
Holy Paladin here, approaching 40th level. I’m going to disagree with most of my fellow healer community here and say I actually encourage my tanks to do this. The fact of the matter is - I’m not contributing much damage myself. Most fights even with a 2h tank and no CC, I’m not dropping below 80% as a well-geared Holy Pally. I can literally spam Flash of Light until the cows come home and I rarely have to do more than that.
As such, if I’m with a geared Arms boi, I would rather he just use a 2her and cleave the whole place down tbh.
The two problems I could see with this is if the 2h tank is undergeared OR if the healer isn’t actually dedicated to healing. Before I respecced full Holy and was just healing midlevel dungeons as Prot or Ret with an “extra healing set”, I actually could run out of mana back then. Then I probably would object to 2h tanks. But if you have a healer with essentially limitless mana, there’s no reason not to just 2h tank.
Agreed. Running a shield only makes a huge difference if spec in to prot. I am sorry but if anyone has ever tried leveling to 60 without a dedicated group with a protection spec…it is horrible. So you get arms spec tanks till you start doing dungeons like strath, scholomance, and blackrock spire/depths. I have been tanking with a 2hander and I have yet to have an issue or a healer complain. Maybe your issue is with the player and not the 2hander?
…just because someone leveled with an aoe farming spec doesn’t mean they can’t respec at 60. Dude, quit while you’re behind. You’re telling warriors to use shield bash to generate threat.
If you’re tanking with a 2h, you can use sunder armor and revenge. Sunder armor and revenge are your highest TPS abilities, period.
It held up in Vanilla and was common practice. It holds up now and is common practice. You being personally convinced that they are required to wear a shield has no bearing on anything.
if he’s not pulling threat off a 55 warrior in bis he’s either afk or aoe spec. Im not saying people cant stand in prot with a 2h, im saying they don’t they do full on cleave and let the mages die.