Bro just stop. You’re clueless. Shield slam is the 31 point talent in the prot tree, and vengeance is a talent in paladin’s ret tree that increases their damage done by 3% per rank.
You’re one of the people in here talking out of your league. It’s very evident you’ve never tanked or even played a warrior before.
Shield BASH is an interrupt, I think you’re getting a couple things mixed up. Try reselecting your forum character.
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it’s an interupt that does what? generates a large amount of threat. you dont have to interupt them.
Shield Bash has 1:1 threat modifier, and does what, 20 dmg?
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Nobody is wasting 10 rage to use on shield bash to generate threat. Sunder Armor is the main ability used in tanking.
up to 5 stacks and refresh, after that its revenge, shield slam (if talented), shield bash, heroic strike. Everyone here who doesn’t play warrior is saying knock it off maybe you should listen. I’m tired of mage tanking.
You do NOT use shield bash on CD, that’s ridiculous. Heroic strike to dump rage (ie 70+ rage). You’re wrong about SA too.
Edit: You really should stop dude, you’ve been wrong about just about everything and have no argument left.
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By definition, it’s a fad. Level 15-45.
Well any Tank that doesn’t try to reduce his Damage intake … is a jerk to the Healer healing him. Easy as that.
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yep everyone but warriors is saying stop, we do more than you so let us not spend all our mana on saving ourselves when mobs inevitabley spill over from you. Us not wasting 2 min every pull for mana is faster than you doing dps.
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You’re in here trying to talk about warriors when you clearly don’t know how they work.
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with the nerf that happened to warriors with agro generation i have seen alot more 1hd and shield tanks.
the ones that are 2hd tanking just have got the message.
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I’d say it’s pretty even with people saying it doesn’t matter and people making a big deal about it. You are also continuing to speak on a subject you know nothing about. You probably had 1 bad run with a tank that couldn’t hold aggro and died once and now you think you’re the almighty on how tanking works. I bet you’re also one of those guys who doesn’t wait for the tank to even get 1 global in on something before you nuke it.
nope the only good 2h tank i had switched to 1h and shield for bigger pulls he had the brains to not be a 4th dps.
Warriors in Vanilla are not DH’s or DK’s…this isn’t retail…
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Whatever you say man.
Again it isn’t strictly about threat either. It’s the fact that putting on a shield barely makes a difference in damage taken.
it’s all about threat that’s what we’re complaining about. dps going oom because we need to save our selves, and healers going oom healing the dps.
You generate more threat with a 2h at lower levels than with a 1h
What part of that don’t you understand?
with auto attacks, do you not understand prot abilities generate more.
You have the same abilities with a 2h. Are you actually dumb?
The ONLY one you don’t have is shield bash, which is not used to generate threat ever when tanking.
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