You’re saying use Shield Slam to generate threat.
Shield slam is a prot talent.
You’re saying use Shield Slam to generate threat.
Shield slam is a prot talent.
Try running a dungeon without one.
i’m a competent healer, ill go find a competent tank…
Honestly the bigger problem i run into with 100% of 2H “tanks” is that they don’t know how to hold any kind of AOE threat. So heal #1 = aggro…
+healing gear is hard to come by at lower levels. I’m level 47 and literally have 4 pieces of +healing gear.
Maybe don’t PW:S while the mobs are still pulling?
I kid, I kid, I just wanted to talk crap about PW:S
shield bash and vengeance works well too still more than 2h
We did Ulda last night with a sword and board tank at 46. Our healer was feral (me) and our dps were levels 41, 41 and 36.
It was a super-smooth run (ZERO DEATHS) until the last boss where our dps deficiencies (lots of miss when you are 6+ levels below the boss) sealed our fate. We gloriously wiped with the boss at 1%! It was late so we called it.
The main constraint around dungeons while leveling is the speed that you get through them, not damage taken. There is nothing wrong with using a 2h to tank - you’re concentrating damage on one person, putting out higher damage because of the increased rage generation, generating more threat which allows DPS to do more damage, and getting through the dungeon more quickly.
The dungeons are easy and the mitigation isn’t needed until the 50’s, or maybe Princess/the giants in Mara.
Just swap to a shield with a macro if things get hairy.
If a 2h tank doesn’t know how to generate threat they aren’t 2h tanking properly lol.
Sweeping strikes + whirlwind into BS generates enough to keep many things on you.
I don’t need you to dps to go faster, i actually would rather you have mobs sit on your so we can dps it(which is faster). Only main tanks spec more than 11 into prot so stop using a 2h and do what every other tank does and put 11 points in prot and use a shield, or lfg as dps.
Yeah I’m already 60 dude, did it the whole way up. Me and the 20+ friends i formed dungeons grouped with all agreed things went faster with me tanking in 2h.
You don’t need to bring out the shield until the points mentioned above - specifically higher end dungeons like Scholo/Strat (when they aren’t caster bosses), or if things are truly hectic and the added 15% physical damage reduction is needed.
The content is easy, all that matters is getting through it more efficiently. Tanking with 2h while leveling is the best way of doing that. Obviously the situation changes when you hit max level dungeons.
Using shield slam would require going prot, we’re not doing that for leveling. Vengeance is…I think that’s a ret pally talent?
I never thought I would hear a mage ASKING warriors to stop tanking. Odd!
Between revenge and SA you don’t need shield slam to generate threat - even when people are in pre-raid BIS. Don’t worry about not having it when you whip out the shield.
they’re skills, from your trainer, in the prot tree lool
Yes! I am total agreement. He keeps bringing up Shield Slam but saying only put 11 points into prot. Poor soul.
Shield Slam is a talent duderino.
Okay bud. Shield Slam is a TALENT. The LAST talent in the prot tree. Vengeance is not a spell that a warrior has access to.
Hell, you don’t even need a tank for the dungeons that you’re running in your 30’s lol, aside from Herod and Mograine. Nothing hits hard enough to warrant it if you’re healers are the least bit competent.
These people are clearly NOT competent, or this thread probably wouldn’t have been made.
revenge and sheild bash are abilities, but whatever. Inmy experience it’s slower with a 2h tank when i’m having to spend 90 seconds drinking because i spend all my mana on mitigaton to keep myself alive. Im 50 btw on work comp and it don’t update. I wanna see my dreamweave circlet dammit! lol